Source Code

red-headed tittie bitch

Molly Ringwald is an American actress, singer, and dancer. She became popular with teenage audiences in the 1980s, as a result of her starring roles in the John Hughes movies Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink.

Of course when referencing to some red-headed girl you don't know that looked hot, we do refer her as the red-headed tittie bitch.

Hey Joe, you know that red-headed tittie bitch that played in The Breakfast Club?

Oh yeah... Molly Ringwald! She is a pretty hot red-headed tittie bitch!

by MysteriousMax March 22, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

red-headed titty bitch

A bitch with red hair and big tits

One guy: Hey, it's that red-headed titty bitch
Second guy: Yeah, I'd fuck that bitch so hard her brains would blow out.
Third guy: Isn't that the actress who played Donna from That 70's Show?

by robotussin March 22, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

slutty head whore bitch face

A supa bitchy biotch

man Suzy is a slutty head whore bitch face......that bitch

by ^^ME^^ April 22, 2003

22๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bitch head

Bitch head is where you eat my poopoo

wow i like bitch heads

by anymouslyanonymous April 18, 2019

Bucket Head Bitch

Anyone whose head circumference is OVER 24 inches!

The average adult human head

has a circumference of 21โ€“23 inches. For women, the average head circumference is 21 3/4 inches, and for men, it's 22 1/2 inches.

That Girl aint nothin but a Bucket Head Bitch

Man we measured heads one night that bitch aint nothin but a bucket head bitch!

by ItsMelanieBihh December 30, 2023

i got condos in that bitch head

im always on that girls mind

asin that girl cant stop spreading rumors about me cause i got condos in that bitch head

by blackgirlnextdoor June 19, 2023


Someone whos takes lots of naps. It's an amelioration. A word with a derogatory past and making it positive!

I take lots of naps. My wife calls me a nappy headed bitch!

by Xxxxooos August 17, 2022