Helluva Boss popular is a animated 16+ TV show made by the American animation production company, VivziePop or SpindleHorse Toons, these are both founded by Vivienne, SpindleHorse Toons has also made the other popular show Hazbin Hotel
Person 1: "Hey! Did you watch the newest episode of Helluva Boss?"
Person 2: "Yeah it was pretty cool!"
Brandon Rodgers’ self insert demon OC, his furry daughter, Kaos from Skylanders but bisexual and Kaos’ cowgirl wife start an assassination business. There’s also a fruity ass owl with marriage problems, furry bait demon 1, fruity ass clown with trauma, furry bait demon 2, fruity ass chicken demon with relationship issues, furry bait demon 3, and several other unique and interesting characters.
“Have you ever watched Helluva Boss?”
“Helluva Mid.”
“Helluva Painful Show to Watch.”
“Helluva Suck My Balls.”
“I am Helluva sad”
I am going to helluva hurt someone
Basically “hell of a” but shorter and no spaces.
Helluva bitch.