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Someone that spelled “him” wrong.

“I never knew hime was rude!”
“I don’t know why did he even trip you!”
“He was prob trying to do a dirty plan”
Welp im gonna trip his friend”

by Ruler698VR cringe April 23, 2022

Dirty Hime

Its when you blame your significant other for something they have nothing to do with, you even insist that its their fault just so they apologise to you which makes you feel better.

Hey I just pulled a Dirty Hime on him, so I feel better now.

by Glaaddooss May 14, 2020

quinn hime

A very kind Jew that has no balls. He can only finger people because his dick is small and fragile.

Why won't you do it ? Your being a Quinn Hime

by KingVTootle March 25, 2017