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An unfortunate run of bad luck, a term used to describe poor pinball machine performances in 1990's Melbourne pub scene, Australia

Aw man, he's got the Hippy!
Don't you get the Hippy now

by Count Jim July 16, 2021

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Hippy is often used as a derogatory form of the term "Flower Child". The term flower child comes from the use of "flower power", which is anti-violent protest, especially the act of putting a flower in a gun as a protest against the war.

The original flower child movement was made of people who promoted love over hate, wanted to end the war, were very intelligent and politically active, were unsatisfied with today's culture and wished to expand their minds and those of the people around them. They tended to be very liberal democrats, or more commonly, socialists. They were very concerned with the world around them, not just war, but poverty, women's rights, civil rights, youth's rights, and the preservation of the environment.

The term hippy more commonly refers to drugged out dirty teenagers, or later joiners of the movement who just wanted to be cool and did not really care about all the issues. Most 'hippies' will not be offended by the term, because in its originality, it was interchangeable with the term 'flower child'.

There tends to be a very misunderstood association of hippies with drugs. In the original movement, many of the young people were very dissatisfied with their morals and religions being taught at home, and were searching for something new. They turned to nature and ancient natural spiritual beliefs, eastern religions (especially Buddhism), and of course, mind expanding drugs such as Marijuana, LSD, and Mushrooms. It is important to remember that drugs such as LSD were not made illegal until 1965, well after the beatnik and folkie beginning of the flower child movement, and that these drugs were often used in spiritual practices as ways to make it easier to open up the mind and journey within oneself. Did all hippies do drugs? Pretty much. Did a whole lot of them stop: Yes, although marijuana use is still common among modern hippies, the majority have learned from those before them, and stopped the use of these 'heaver' drugs. And don’t make the mistake of inferring that all hippies these days smoke, pot is at least 5 times more potent and often laced with more dangerous drugs, so huge amounts have chosen to stop, or never began.

Another common mistuned standing is the idea that all hippies are 'dirty' and 'smell'. We must remember, most hippies were baby boomers from suburbia in their earlier lives, so yes, they showered. This idea comes from the fact that most hippies believed that all people should be equal, and there for many did not own many outfits and would let them get torn, stained, and patched before buying new ones. Also, music was a way of sending a political and spiritual message to the world, and therefore hippies flocked to concerts. Huge outdoor concerts were common, and there weren't the most appropriate showering facilities at these places. I'm sure there were also some who saw showering more than once a week as a waste of precious of time. Keep in mind, that this is still the amount of times between bathing in many modern European countries.

There are countless famous flower children, but the most famous would have to be John Lennon, and Donovan. John Lennon of course was a member of the Beatles, and ran mass protests throughout the 70's, along with making some of the most famous protest music such as "All We Are Saying is Give Peace a Chance" and "Power to the People". The Term "Flower Power" was first used in an article about Donovan, his roots as a beatnik show the beginning of the movement, and he was a bit of a spiritual leader for the masses.

"Apathy isn't it, and we can do something. Ok, so flower power didn't work, so what? We start again." -John Lennon

I saw a bunch of hippies portesting the war on t.v. One Hippy was holding up a sign that said "No more blood for oil." Wow, now everyone is going to know how bad this war really is.

by Cosmic_Wheels June 12, 2006

239πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž


someone who has a bright outlook on life and cares about the world instead of trying to ruin it. they are often member of groups such as greenpeace and antiwar groups that care about the environment.
they reject the established culture and are a subculture originating in San Francisco in the 1960s who advocated universal love and peace, usually had long hair and used soft drugs, usually listen to acid rock and progressive rock music, reggae music such as that of bob marley.

make love not war

by dead_x_star November 19, 2003

1948πŸ‘ 1222πŸ‘Ž


The extent to which someone is a hippy.

My God, Sam's mom's hippiness is off the charts!

by Snugglebunny August 29, 2005

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1. A youth subculture from the late 1960's. The hippie subculture embraced drug use, political activism, communal living (not necessarily socialism) and generally clean living. Hippies wore patched, baggy clothing, beads and headbands. The men grew their hair long, and sometimes grew beards, and the women didn't wear bras, as they saw the undergarment as an attempt by men to determine how women were shaped.

2. A modern subculture resembling the hippies of the 60's, but without the political activism or the philosophical edge. Both the men and the women wear their hair in dreadlocks, and wear tie dye t-shirts and baggy corduroys with rows of patches up the sides. Modern hippies listen to groups such as Phish, the Greatful Dead and the String Cheese Incident, and hold a mythological reverence for the state of Vermont.

1. Principal Grabowski was a hippie back in the day, and he's still fucked up from all the weed he smoked in his formative years.

2. I drank chai with the hippies in Northampton. Hippies are okay, unless their playing their music around you. No ammount of ganja's going to make that shit sound good.

by teh pope October 29, 2004

243πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž


What your parents were when they could fit into tight bellbottoms and tie-die shirts.

Kid: Mom, why does it look like your a rainbow in this picture?
Mom: *grabs book* That, Billy, is a hippie.
Kid: My freind Jake says that all hippies are dirty, pot smoking whorebags, but I don't think so.
Mom:...You go tell Jake that his mom was one.

by Manical to the Hippie February 18, 2008

121πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


hippies are a group composed mainly of artists which emerged in the 60s and since then their image has been distorted badly. they get ripped on for being whiney assholes who hide behind lawyers and try to control what people think. but in reality any hippies left are usually just the old guys just trying to help with the litle shit and trying to make some lives a litle bit easier. the assholes you see are yuppies who want to be hippies but are to damn uptight and try to make the world better by controling others to think like them and try to convince you that eating tofu is going to make everyones life better while the corporations feed off of their stupid fucking predictability and use the dumb motherfuckers to make more fucking money.

you know this shits bad cus even hippies and rednecks are chill with each other about these asshole yuppies

by the owl December 1, 2006

151πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž