Source Code

home skillet biscuit

Slang for "my friend", "my chum", "my buddy", "my pal", "my pallyallyoo".

"YO! It's nice to see you again, my home skillet biscuit! Fo shizzle dizzle!"

by Mirvan August 20, 2005

163πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

home skillet biscuit

Closer than your, homie, homedog, or your homes. Means friend.

Craig: Are you makin dem dollas home skillet biscuit?
Friend: YAYUR! I'm getting paid homeslice.

by I'mthebedintruder[notreally] February 1, 2011

31πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

home skillet biscut

Umm started by 2 gurls watchin that's so raven and then it became well known throught out a school.
Mean: what's up my homie!

What's up home skillet biscut!!

by lele October 28, 2004

30πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

home skillet biscuit

Started By Two GiRls watchiN That's So RavEn!! aNd It bEcame Well kNwoN ThrOugh Out A sChoOL!! This is what it meAns in simple terms!
hoMe (homie)
skillet (friend)
Biscuit(SomethiNg jUSt aDDed oN)

there are also other related terms
home skillet connbread
home skilletbacon and grits
and for the thanks giving holiday
home skillet turkey

Used iN a SentNce .... What's up home skillet biscuit!!

by lele October 30, 2004

113πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž

Nigerian Home Skillet

An alternative to the n-word if you don’t have an n-word pass

Guy 1 (with no pass): Yo wassup my Nigerian home skillet!

Black dude: Nothin much man. Jus got me sum food stamps cuz.

by UsedNapkin3115 February 6, 2020

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

home skillet biscuit

Someone or something cool.

Wow, you home skillet biscuit! You're so cool.
That slushie is a home skillet biscuit.

by yo kv June 5, 2006

36πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

home skillet biscut

this is the most nonesense word ever. it means do you want to eat my grandma's cooking?

do you want to "home skillet biscut"?

by Noju Tien October 28, 2004

8πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž