1. To be absolutely flabbergasted.
2. To beat the absolute shit out of someone.
Cayden - "I hornswoggled that fat kid."
Rhys - "pog"
Ozzthegreat while he is actively queueing arena
When Ozzthegreat is queueing World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Litch King Classic, he plays as though he is hornswoggled
when you eat something quick and it is tasty
I hornswoggled that pizza up
When your friend bamboozles you in a Madden game with a cheese play. They often win the game because of this play.
Friend: You totally got hornswoggled by me
You: Bro Shut up
In the sport of pickleball, this is another word for a rally; or back and forth between players.
There were over a dozen hits between the two players, it was quite the hornswoggle!