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A hypno-gasm is the cumgasm that a guy has when he's hypnotized and in a deep trance and told to suck dick and jack off, and then swallow the cum-loads or lick up the cum of all the guys present while being video-taped.

I let this cadet, don't know his name, hypnotize me, but he gave me a hypno-gasm and filmed it, so now - some of the other cadets watch it and jack off! Several want me to suck their cock like I did the dick in the video!

by USAF Cadet February 9, 2021

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The act of falling asleep and then spasming awake to try and stay awake.

The action in which ones body twitches apon the verge of sleep

John: Get off my computer!
Jim: Gimme 5 minutes
(5 minutes later
John Passed out)
John Spasmed
Jim: DUDE you hypno-tweeked
John: I Thought i was falling...

by Minecrafter 666 November 18, 2011

Hypnos Intolerance

The inability to be hypnotized characterized by, but not limited to: willful choice not to undergo hypnosis, not to use self hypnosis, not to hypnotize others, thwarting covert hypnosis and firm, strong feelings about hypnosis.

People with hypnos intolerance perversely refuse to be hypnotized and have their reasons, despite the stories of success, benefit and the positive experience of others. Actually, being hypnos intolerant is a good thing. Without hypnosis in your life, you have more self-control.

by Info2go November 7, 2018

hypno juice

A drink made to spaz out. I.E. made from Orange soda mixed with pepsi, pure sugar, pixie stick powder, and smarties.

Dude, lets rave!!!

okay, make the hypno juice.

by Angie2011 November 13, 2007

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My own trippy eyes, or eyes like mine. If you have a friend or partner with them you can stare into them until you feel like you are going to pass out. If you're stuck with them and don''t have any friends or a partner because you suck, use a mirror.

Girls: 'I was staring into his eyes and suddenly woke up naked in a kiddie pool full of vegemite with three midgets and a donkey - He's got hypno-eyes!'

by January Sales May 4, 2005

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Sissy Hypno

A type of increasingly popular porn, using fast-moving imagery, and subliminal words, both spoken and subtitled, to alter a whiteboi's sexual preference, and to negatively affect his sexual ability. By associating a whiteboi's sexual arousal, with sex between Black Men and white women only, a whiteboi loses his ability to get an erection for women of his own race, unless they are having sex with a Strong Dominant Black Alpha Male. A whiteboi will become disgusted by white on white sex and porn, and will eventually, voluntarily surrender his masculinity, as well as his rights to erections, masturbation, and/or orgasms, forever. Contrary to popular belief, this condition is totally irreversible, after 1-3 years of exclusive consumption of Sissy Hypno Porn.

Constant viewing of Sissy Hypno Porn for the last year, has made me completely impotent for naked women.

by Princess Crystal Lynn September 30, 2023

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Whos Hypno is this?

Whos Hypno is this?

Wait, whos Hypno is this?
Shut the fuck up

by Whos Hypno is this? October 15, 2021

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