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technologically impaired

To have very little to no clue how to use computerized devices, such as computers, cell phones ect...

90 year old grandmothers have NO clue how to use computers. technologically impaired is a cool word anyways.

by john danials April 21, 2008

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youth impaired

Means to be lacking youth, with all of the political correctness a must have!

Joel: Another birthday Charlie man you are getting old!

Charlie: I am not getting old just more "youth impaired"!

by real Mr. Mojo Risin February 6, 2011

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testosterone impaired

Impaired behavior caused by the hormone testosterone in males.

Dad wouldn't stop the car to ask for directions because he's testosterone impaired.
My husband couldn't find the potato masher if his life depended on it. He's testosterone impaired.

by DanOfOmaha December 7, 2016

homosexually impaired

A person suffering from opposite-sex attraction disorder, whose sexual preference is not for the same gender, ie a hetero, moo or breeder

"John is so hot, I'm gonna ask him out on a date!"
"Yes he is, unfortunately he's homosexually impaired. It's so sad, such a waste."

by Gymnophoria February 4, 2016

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a person who is female, but who is also burdened with a flat chest, i.e., small boobies

Only the Cleavally-Impaired insist "size doesn't matter!" When Saline, then Silicone, Breast Implants were approved for use in humans, (c) 2,005, millions of Cleavally-Impaired persons spent more than $10,000 each to purchase Social Leverage so they could improve their lives.

by Full House 21 June 14, 2020

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hair impaired

Hair being in a less than perfect or whole condition:
a)visually disturbing
b)the state of being follically challenged
c)being trapped in the 60's or 70's hairstyles
d)suffering from any of several all-too-common afflictions including but not limited to 4" un-dyed roots, mullets (particularly the bald guy with long fringe style reminiscent of the wreath-like 'do sported by Catholic monks in the time of Martin Luther), hair plugs, and facial hair-dying fiascos.
Adjective: hair impaired
Date of origin: 2007
Place of origin: Western Kentucky

"Don't make fun of that guy with the really bad comb-over, he's hair impaired. "

by Debra H. Patterson October 19, 2007

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racially impaired

a person other than a white person

that guy from china is seriously racially impaired

by ltdude2142 December 24, 2011

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