Internet chat slang used express deliberate self-harm or cutting, usually in jest.
Debbie wore the same dress to the prom as me! I wanted to die! /cut cut
6๐ 6๐
When drugs are mixed with something in order to weigh more.
Man my guy cut the coke with baking soda.
56๐ 18๐
Cutting is when you take a sharp object (razor blade, saftey pin, knife, push pin, etc.) and cut a part of your body with it. It doesn't have to me on your arms/wrists and you don't have to be emo. It's often a result of depression. It does make you feel a whole lot better(I know from experience) and "preps", "Goths', "Jocks", and all these other little clicks are capible of doing it,
it's not just the emos. It's really addictive. It's hard to stop and hard to control.
You can't make somebody stop cutting if they don't want to. It's not that easy to just say "stop cutting" and tomorrow it'll be all better,
it some times takes years to completely stop cutting.
157๐ 40๐
Synonymous with "owned."
A: "Get cutted, noob!"
B: "Dude that guy cutted you so bad."
C: (After beating the opponent) "Cutted."
26๐ 6๐
Cutting is the practice of cutting one's body with a sharp object to relieve emotional pain. It is a common misconception that cutters are suicidal. This is usually not the case. Most people who resort to cutting are in a position where they feel unhappy to the point where self-harm is all that helps. Cutting is not restricted to any one stereotype, age group, color, wealth, or religion. It is effective, but dangerous. I am struggling with it right now, and I can tell you that it is incredibly difficult to quit once you've done it. I would not recommend it to anyone, although it may seem rewarding. I and most of my friends have been dealing with it for some time now and it has yet to solve any of our emotional problems. In fact, most of us are worse off now than when we started. But if you have already started, I noticed that there are some suggestions in this section of Urban Dictionary on how to quit. I recommend that you try them. Who knows, maybe it'll help.
Some person: "Did you see that girl? She's always cutting and her life isn't even that bad! She must be emo."
Me: "Since when did you have to emo to cut? You don't have any idea what's going through her head, so don't judge her like that."
91๐ 24๐
Cutting is not something a teen emo does as a trend or to get attention. It something anyone could do to deal with emotional pain such as grief, sadnes, stress, anxiety, depression and other stuff.a
Cutting can also be used by people as a punishment for themselves when they think they do something wrong.
Cutting can be done any where an a body but the most frequent places used are forearms/wrists and thighs.
Sarah mother and father have a bad relationship because of her drug addict and alcoholic father. And she's in a very rough living condition, therefore she is really sad. So she uses cutting as a way to forget about her emotions for a while and focus on the pain on her arm
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