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PWP Index

The "Pussy Worth the Problem" (PWP) index. This index serves to determine whether or not the marginal benefit, (benefit being the pleasure received from a woman's reproductive organ) exceeds the marginal cost (cost being any downside following the receiving of this pleasure, whether physical, spiritual or social).

Formula for PWP = (marginal benefit)/(marginal cost) x100

Francis: Bro Tiffany is so hot I wanna hook up with her so bad, she definitely got a snatcher down there as well.
Andre: Yea bro but what's her PWP Index? I heard her parents just got divorced...
Francis: Oh shit bro that's a good point... I don't think that pussy's worth the problem.

by realandre May 3, 2023

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hook Index

As it relates to television series, the hook index is the average number of episodes one must watch before they are committed to watching the rest of the series. For instance, Breaking Bad may have a hook index of 3. Meaning, you have to make it through episode three in order to really stay with the series (mostly because of the icky bathtub scene from episode 2.

Parks and Recreation has a hook index of 6. Because it was so similar to The Office, views drastically declined in the first season until the last episode (6) where "Despite the low rating, "Rock Show" received the best reviews of the season and convinced some critics that the series had finally found the right tone."

by RichardNavarrete June 4, 2019

indexed myself

When your index finger pokes through toilet paper and impacts your rectum area while you are wiping yourself clean after a bowel movement.

Sorry I took so long, I totally indexed myself in there and I had to wash my hands twice.

by WVMike December 15, 2015

index miner

One who deletes the end of a file name to look at the unprotected parent directory or index of a webpage.

While looking for porn, Robert K. Stevens found more unlisted galleries by index mining.

by Mark Arinaga January 15, 2005

index promise

Index Promise was first created by Jay and Dee on February 04, 2015 . When texting a partner, You are more likely to make a promise. Since the emojis do not carry the pinky emoji to pinky promise though text. We created the index promise πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ And in person It's more exciting because you wrap yours and your partners index fingers and say I index promise and kiss their finger as them yours. It's a way we showed and continue to show love to one another, by making promises like no one ever has.

I index promiseπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ , We'll see the movie you want to see this weekend.

I index promiseπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ to love you forever.

You index promised !πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

by Jaydan2415 September 24, 2018

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

misery index

a number that is the sum of the unemployment rate and the inflation rate. It reflects the overall caliber of a country's prior economic management.

The term was coined by Arthur Okun and was inspired by the Phillips Curve.

During the 1980's and '90's, Austria had the lowest misery index in the world. Unemployment rates AND inflation rates were almost nil.

by Abu Yahya February 15, 2009

38πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Bird Index

When a male is faced with the question of the average rating (out of 10) of as many females he can see at a certain location or a given time.

The index is calculated = number of females / total score

GM: What's the bird index like down there?

Matt: Ow, its a solid 7.

(meaning the average rating out of 10 of all available females seen at one time is 7)

by gmach February 13, 2012