juvenile house arrest under parental supervision
Yo, Nick is on ISP after he got caught wit dat coke
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A term used to categorise those who fled the ISorrowProductions Discord server during the Just Noise rebellion in 2017. These users fled all over Discord, and at least one can normally be found in every active discord server. They are known for their anti-social behaviour, badly drawn profile pictures, and worship a mythical being simply known as "Bory"
Slazo: "What's with this influx of retarded 12 year olds into my Discord Server"
Jay: "They're ISP Refugees, your lordship, they wreak havoc wherever they go"
1. An illegal group of communications companies hellbent on pricefixing and keeping the United States and in extension, other parts of the world in the stone age, while Asia enjoys extremely high speeds due to government control or a pure market economy with no possibility of lobbying. This Cartel is composed of Verizon, Comcast, ATT, CableVision, TimeWarner, and TMobile, which throught ATT, encompass all Canadian carriers and through Tmobile, intermingle all European carriers.
Man that ISP Cartel raised rates system wide again....I wish I lived in Hong Kong, where for $20 you get a Gigabit Symmetrical.
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Used as a phrase to mock users who complain about obvious lag, connection issues or server downtime in the Anarchy Online community.
Idiot: It says here "The server is currently down for maintenance". Why can't I connect?!1!!!!1 Is the server down??????
User1: No. It's your ISP™
User2: It's your ISP
User3: It works fine for me. Clearly it's your ISP(tm)
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The retort most skilled game players will make at Neophytes when they lapse into a screaming fit of rage and/or noobish comments.
Quaker1: Whoa. I totally aced that railgun shot.
qU4k3R: OMG LAG/H4X/Bad Connection/ectect
Quaker1: Sure, Sure, Blame your ISP.
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Intra-ISP spyware are behavioural targeting advertising systems that sit within an ISP in order to scan the content of web browsing and build a profile of your interests so that relevant adverts can be sent back to you. Also known as IISpy, or I2Spy systems
The spyware system implemented by the company Phorm is installed within the UK ISP BT and therefore classed as Intra-ISP Spyware.
Stands for I Smiled Patrick. Used whenever you want to say LMAO but you only smiled a little bit in real life. Patrick as in Patrick Stewart, the celebrity that was in the Emoji Movie.