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call your voicemail

Phrase used when someone who lives in an area with crappy ass phone service (like Criket Wireless) needs to call their voicemail and stay on the line for about 10-12 seconds for them to receive any text messages that they have not yet received.

guy 1: "Hey man did you get my message?"
guy 2: "No i havent got anything."
guy 1: "wait dont you have criket?, man call your voicemail!"

by Carlos3609 January 28, 2011

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call your shit poop

Someone calling your shit poop is them saying, "Man, you're full of shit."

When you are being hypocritical someone can rightfully call your shit poop.

Scott: "Hey Blue, you surfing the net at work again?"
Bill: "Hey Scott, weren't you just on HotOrNot.com again?"
Katie: "Damn. Bill just called your shit poop."

by Mr. Wood September 17, 2004

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calling your mom at 3am

A demonic ritual to summon the devil and Hideo Kojima


by Ccgggyu March 25, 2020

give your friend called darcie a gift day

this friend deserves a gift, buy them a good one on April 16th to make them happy

"hi darcie! today is national give your friend called darcie a gift day so here is a gift from me for always being there for me! <3"

by eatmyshorts1289 April 13, 2021

Call Your Teacher "Mom"

(November 20th)- On this day you have now have permisson, by me, to (call your teacher mom)!

(Student) - "Hey, Mom!"
(Teacher) - "Detention!!"
(Student) - "But its November 20th! (Call your teacher "mom") day!"
(Teacher) - "Im sorry, I must have been mistaken! No detention today!"

by Heh, im better than you November 13, 2019

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change your luck booty call

When one finds a member of another race and has casual sexual. I.e.: Booty call.

Did you hear Guido hooked up with Sutana?
Yeah things havenโ€™t been going well for him, this change your luck booty call should help change his luck.

by Old Art May 2, 2021

your mom called she said your butt smells

it is a way to trick your friends...

Friend: hey did someone call for me?
You: yeah your mom called she said your butt smells!!

by thesheet November 13, 2010

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