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Junior Grimes

A bad kid

Don’t be a junior grimes

Junior grimes is living proof of his own existence

by Sriracha-antidote November 4, 2022

592👍 2👎

Junior grimes


Junior grimes

by U R clueless fan June 17, 2023

Junior (grimes)

The son, that is all….

Like his elders, he’s got wrath, chaos, an appetite for destruction and inherited all the aspects of the hierarchy of the unknown.

Emperor of the lost paradise, junior goes by many names and is synonymous with other titles.

The forbidden one” , “prince of infamy” or even “the fallen one”, “child of chaos”, etc

Considered the physical manifestation of the previous entities of darkness. Junior is NOT to be taken lightly.

For he is THE SON

junior (grimes) has endless skills and talents as he’s spent time honing all of his mastery of these aspects of reality since he TRULY IS THE JACK OF ALL TRADES

junior (grimes) and his father are distant yet closer than one could comprehend

The son IS junior (grimes)

by Righteousridicule December 24, 2021

884👍 120👎

Junior Grimes

Someone who doesn’t exist. He doesn’t exist

Junior grimes (Junior the egomaniac) is nobody and doesn’t truly exist, or does he ?

Junior isn’t even really a real person?, he is simply NOT THERE

Junior Grimes is The Forbidden One and is not bound by laws nor morals

by Righteousridicule December 23, 2021

904👍 128👎

junior grimes (junior the egomaniac)

a boy of ambiguous yet villainous nature. Originated from wherever he feels he needs to be. Often mistaken for Arabic, speaks different languages yet ancestry is likely European but lives all around the world. grimes has English origin yet some of his knowledge originated from the east but prefers to live in the west.

A middle eastern looking white man who speaks French and Spanish yet born to an australian father but moved to America, what the hell even is junior Grimes???????


Girl: are you arab?

Junior; sometimes


Cop; how old are you?

Junior: yes


Woman; are you a billionaire?

Junior: I can be, for reality is what I desire it to be

Woman: *speechless*

Junior grimes (junior the egomaniac) is enigmatic yet charming to say the least

by Morganize November 3, 2021

Joker (Junior grimes)

Real life Internet kid who claims to be the real life joker and it shows As he was the outcast of society and was laughed at for being different, though he was unique it was a double edged sword as it also alienated him from making any friends or forming relationships. Due to his mental illness and pessimistic behavior it created a rebel who finds pleasure in causing chaos and commiting crimes with zero guilt whatsoever. 90% chance this kids on the FBI watch list and for good reason

Junior grimes can be considered a tragic villlain rather than a copycat of joker since he only resembles the fictional character coincidentally rather than outright deliberately attempting to impersonate said character, I say this because grimes has stated that “I didn’t ask to be this, it just happened”

it’s hard to decipher what exactly juniors goals are and what crimes he’s committed but it seems that he wants to get back at society for abandoning and despises celebrities since humanity worships false gods.

If anything everything junior grimes says makes perfect sense which nobody would ever want to admit about a villain/criminal.

White Kid with blonde hair who rather than be an edgelord shows criminal promise as all he makes are valid points against society and human behavior.

TLDR; this junior grimes kid is going places..likely jail or hell where he shall burn for eternity.

Junior: no I won’t, I’m in—

*INVINCIBLE title card* appears onscreen

Junior grimes (joker) :

“I used to think my life was a movie now I reaLize it’s a fuckin comic book “

Joker (Junior Grimes) is a real life criminal based off and created by the Internet

by Torahhhhtalkbox July 20, 2021

Outcast (junior grimes)

Junior grimes (J grimes) a social outcast, e boy, rebel or loner kid whatever tf you wanna call him.

Probably the most interesting kid you’ve never heard of. Hated for voicing his opinion and telling it like it is (ie. Spitting true facts) has a dark sense of humor and comes off as a douche unintentionally when he’s really just being himself and means well but has a personality that gets him into trouble but he lacks fear or shame and has very few acquaintances (“friends”)

Nevertheless, grimes or (sometimes hes called) Logan continues on in life following his own path and trying to rule the Internet and such. He’s been made fun of for being different and weird but that’s why he’s more appealing unlike 99% of humanity.

Ironically, I’m not even sure juniors even human as he displays such impressive physical prowess and unmatched agility and speed when it comes to physical brawls.

Outcast: a person who has been rejected by society or a social group

Outcast (Junior grimes) : a person who has been rejected by society or a social group

*should include the word being defined*

Junior Grimes (Logan) is an outcast


Outcast = junior grimes

What’s an outcast (SEE JUNIOR GRIMES)

junior grimes (j Grimes) is a textbook outcast for many reasons and his weird and bad vibe personality give him away easily

This kids just built different and has unknown energy

The outcast means Junior grimes, he’s an outcast

Junior grimes is an outcast

Outcast means someone that doesn’t fit in, like Junior grimes

He’s a social outcast and doesn’t fit in EVER

by Ellieeeeeeeeeeeeee! The REAL E July 22, 2021