Kind, Entertainer, Handsome, Beautiful one.
You are a loving and caring individual with a tendency to put the needs of others before those of yourself. You are responsible and trustworthy with a high regard for justice and honesty. Duty will follow you all your life and sometimes feel a little too much of a burden. You are artistic. Harmony and beauty are high on your list of priorities. You have musical talent but the creative talents of a 6 are sometimes left undeveloped or suppressed as a result of your tendency to sacrifice your time and pleasure.
You love a good time. You are generally happy, friendly, and outgoing. You have a gift for gab. You are very witty, creative, and playful. You inspire and entertain people. You are considered by many a great companion. Many outstanding comedians have this Heart's Desire. You have a good mental and emotional balance and there is little that gets you down. You have a gift for self expression and are drawn to the verbal arts - writing, acting, singing, and poetry.
You are highly attractive. Many men with a 3 Personality are very handsome; women are often strikingly beautiful. Your vibration is full of life. You are uplifting, inspiring, and charming. You are a fun person to be around. Your wit and sparkling personality make you the life of a party. You are extroverted and optimistic. You appreciate fine clothing and jewelry, and enjoy dressing up a bit.
J Joyful, U Upstanding, N Nurture, N Nirvana, I Inventiveness, S Sweet
Someone who enjoys freedom as well as loves company of others. Walking at the beach, enjoying beautiful view, and feeling the wind caressing the face is a must for Junni.
This person often brings joy for others, but is fragile inside. A person who loves others unconditionally and expect the same treatment from others. If Junni faces some dissappointments, she needs some time to recover herself.
That is so Junni
when a guy sniffs a substance off of another one of his piers gentalia
“what did you do at the party last night”
“oh i received a dirty junny”
“oh god man”