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When one proceeds to just nut

Person 1: I feel like mr crabs would be a good stripper
Person 2: ikr he’s obsessed with money so when people thrown money at him he justs

by CardiB At Pizza Hut October 16, 2020


Im so pissed off that I cant even finish what Im tryna say smh

can u just.

by xDipper06 October 5, 2021


Cool, hip, awesome. Basically an adjective to describe something you like.

Oh my gosh Jessica your skirt is so just!”

“Hey that was one just party bro.”

“Please come. It’ll be really just.”

by therealartie January 21, 2020

4👍 2👎

Just Not

When you are going to say "Just Kidding" and half way through you decide to say "Not" And it ends up coming out as Just Not. accidently impyling you actually mean it..

Wife: Does my butt look big in these jeans?
Husband: Of course! Just not!

by Mac123 May 13, 2009

6👍 6👎


Like fam, dis complicated. No means no right? BUT... well dere is no but. No is no.

Bob: Hey wanna look at my man boobs
JAke: NO. JUST No.

by LikeDAtAssSHit October 1, 2019

4👍 2👎


Justing comes from Justin Timberlakes song "What Comes Around..."
If you have had an ex or whatever, and fate takes a hard turn on their life.
This is called justing.
Justing is when karma takes a bite out of your ex's ass.

For example -

A - My ex boyfriend has been sacked, his new gf dumped him, he broke her car, his mum's kicked him out of her house, he lost his driving license for driving without insurance and he's had to sell his car
B - That's justing for you

by karmasabitch91 January 4, 2010

3👍 4👎


A rage-filled fap session for the Biebz.

A rage-filled fap session for the Biebz is called "justing."

by ak2348 June 1, 2014

3👍 4👎