Source Code

Keener's Corollary

Keener's Corollary states, "The s--t you take is the s--t you get."

Keener's Corollary is name given to a philosophical statement related to accepting and dealing with criticism, often given in a harsh, demeaning or insulting manner. The Corollary was first quipped by notable Western Pennsylvania radio personality Scott Keen1, and hence was given the name "Keener's Corollary."

The Corollary's text serves to inspire people who find themselves in a work or personal relationship that has become abrasive, abusive or toxic. It implies that the amount of harassment given to a particular person is directly proportional to the amount of harassment that the person is willing to tolerate. It implies that if a person becomes more resistant and expressive of displeasure to the source of such harassment, that the behavior will not be tolerated, then the source of that harassment will refrain from any future harassment.

It should be noted that Keener's Corollary is not based in any research-supported psychological or philosophical foundations. It was created purely for anecdotal and comical value.

Can you believe he lets his boss talk to him like that? He's such a pussy. Someone needs to teach him Keener's Corollary.

by dlr213 April 16, 2022

Aaron Keener

A former 1st Wave division agent who's rogue after betrayal from the SHD & The JTF

Aaron Keener has been disavowed, now marked as rogue

by on October 10, 2020

Josie Keener

A beautiful girl, she has an amazing personality and a beautiful soul. She is loved by many, though she may not know it; she is one to not know how great she is but others try to convince her

Josie Keener is a beautiful princess.

by ComicsandCosmos February 1, 2017

Harley Keener

He's the kid from Iron-man 3 that almost shot Tony with a Potato gun when he broke into Harley's garage.

He was also that kid in the background of Tony Stark's funeral in Endgame.

Person 1: Hey who was that random kid at Iron-Man's funeral?
Person 2: That was Harley Keener

by RoadWorkAhead?UhYeaIsureHopeIt March 17, 2021

Kaleesie Keener

Kaleesie Keener is a Clermont/Keener sister who makes her life seem perfect with her "perfect" daughter named Kartier, huge ass mansion, two TV shows, a billion dollar makeup line, and an "amazing" Family. She completely redid her whole body because she got plastic surgery like everywhere, just like Jen Clermont. That is why she has big lips, tits, and ass. She always takes selfies and puts them all over social media. A picture of Kaleeise in a bikini holds the record of the most likes on Snapmatic. Kaleesie’s mom is Kristene Keener.

I wish I had a Life like Kaleesie Keener

by Kardashian Team October 10, 2020

peyton keener

Peyton Keener’s are super honest, cute, funny, and have huge dicks.

Look it’s Peyton Keener!”
“Look at him he’s so hot!”
“I should ask him out!”

by Oopsksksksksksk October 10, 2019

2👍 1👎

matt keener

A fantasy retard with no friends or life ... (did I mention he’s fat )🐳

Matt keener is a stupid fat fuck

by Not a fat fuck (unlike Matt) February 27, 2018