A Kiley- Is the sweetest bravest person you with ever meet, she is the person who will make you laugh even when your down she loves her friends, sport, and her family she is known to have brown short hair with green eyes. If you ever come across a Kiley don't let her go she is the sun that shines on a bad day. Everyone should have a Kiley because you need one to help you get through life.
Me- Kiley is amazing
You-Your so lucky
Kiley is a wonderful and kindhearted human being. She is someone who will always make you laugh and smile. She will show that she is in doubt of how amazing she is at times but she’s happy with the friends she has, if you have a friend like kiley, you’re lucky to have her
“Dude have you met kiley?”
“Yeah, she’s so beautiful “
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A nice friend who gets hurt easy by people but strong enough to get over it she is really short and hates getting called that she has a lot of friends that loves her and so pretty.
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She is SOO fine and she is always caring for her friends all the way to the end but never just break the friendship over something dumb she will feel confused and want to be friends over and over! She loves hanging out with others but not all the time...and definitely she never knows how to say no EVER. You should treat her like a queen, you know why because she might treat you like one in return, you never know ;) She loves when you make jokes all the time but don’t get to dark with the jokes she might fake laugh and cry on the inside and you don’t want that to Happen :( we hate when she cry’s, but always remember be yourself around her she will like you LOTS so don't change they way you are around her, and don’t be shy talk to her she will be interested to talk to you!
Mike: wow, Kiley is nice I should talk to her more often
Mike: “hey, Kiley how are you.”
Kiley: “heyy Mike, what’s up?”
Mike“wanna get some food on way home?”
Kiley: “me? Of course! Let’s go!”
I can’t wait for this one!
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She is the epitome of beauty. She's smart, funny, talented, and lets not forget shes a beautiful person. She can help you when youre down even though she might be hurting. She is too perfect for the world. She cares too much for others even if they dont deserve it. She can be your best friend or worst enemy. She is a goddess and deserves the world.
Person: hey whos that beautiful girl
Person 2: oh that's kiley shes beautiful isnt she.
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SHe is super cool, and it is a name
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