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do you know de way

do you know de way.no it means poop your pants

do you know de way said bob

by kictac poopy jace February 6, 2018

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Do you wanna know de way?

In the game VR chat you travel to a certain Island (named the Ugandian knuckles island)where you find a deformed shorter creepier version of knuckles (from sonic) that you are able to equip as a skin. Any player visiting the island will be visited by a crowd of the Ugandian knuckles (players)screaming the odd phrase "Do You Wanna know de way" mockin the Ugandian accent.

Me:enters the Ugandian island

The knuckles: Do YoU WaNnA kNoW DE WaY?!

by Ali Mroue January 10, 2018

Do you know deh way

A retarded over used meme that started in late 2017 on virtual reality chat game.

I would hate to be someone who says do you know deh way.

by kdin March 1, 2018

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do u know de wai

In VRChat there are a bunch of Ugandan Knuckles and Sonic's running around asking people if they: "know de wai?". Any anime girl in the game can be known as the tribes "Queen". If said girl does not cooperate she is known as a "Fake Queen" and promptly spat on.

Ugandan Knuckles: "Do U KnOw De wAi?"
Random Anime Girl: "um"
Ugandan Knuckles: "My BroDdAs We hAVe FoUnD De KwEeN *tongue clicks* *tongue clicks* *tongue clicks*"

by a$ap jay January 13, 2018

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do you know da way?

The first big meme of 2018. The name of the meme itself is called Ugandan Knuckles.


Hello my bruddahs, I have found our Queen.
Oh yes, she knows da way, but do you know da way?

by Anonymous Astatine February 14, 2018

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don't you know i have ways of making you talk

This phrase can be used when in casual conversation with pretty much anyone and everyone. It is a general responce to any comment, question exclamatory, or for interrogation.

Person 1: "Hey bro! Do you have anything planned for later tomorrow night?"
Person 2: "Yeah, I'm planning on showing you that I have ways of making you talk."
Person 1: "What the in the heck do you even mean by that?"
Person 2: "You'll find out when I show you that I have ways of making you talk."
(you can use any variation of "don't you know i have ways of making you talk")

by Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls March 21, 2022

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Follow me i know the way.

Follow me i know the way is mainly used by pedophiles and rapists as a way to lure in smaller children that are lost by telling them that they know the way.

Pedophile walks up to a lost child

Pedophile: "Hi are you alright?"

Child: "No sir im lost!"

Pedophile: "Follow me i know the way."

by DirtyFlipFlops January 24, 2017