Source Code

The Dragon's Lair

When you blow vape into your girl's pussy and the vape smoke leaks out like the entrance to a dragon's lair.

Would you like to experience The Dragon's Lair?

by DoctorrNick April 27, 2017

lady lair

Female version of a man cave; a place where ladies go to do lady stuff.

She bought a floral couch for her lady lair.

by chicky2 January 6, 2009

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Nerd Lair

A nerd lair is a specific location for a nerd beholding their nearest and dearest possessions. These possessions range from Star Trek figurines to an array of comic books as well an ergonomically fit video game/TV/surround sound system set up.

Nerd lairs are generally only ever seen by the nerds themselves, or their mother's who need to enter with supervised permission to collect and deposit laundered items.

Nerd lairs include:
- an odd smell
- a bed
- a bean bag - rookie nerd lair, a pro has a swivel chair
- a closed window

- a lot of fast food rubbish including coke cans

- so many video games and DVDs that you would believe you are in Blockbuster

- one head set beside the computer plugged in at all times
- comics that NO ONE is allowed to touch without gloves
- posters of female anime characters

Nerd lairs are exciting to enter, yet very intimidating.

"I actually saw his nerd lair..I thought it was a rumour, but there it was, it's nerd lair-ness radiating from the crack in the door. There wasn't a lot of noise but there were "yes's" and distinct button mashing; no source of natural light coming from the room at all...I edged a little closer, obviously trying to be quiet or else I would disturb the beast within and it smelled like pizza. Oh and I definitely saw a poster of one of the chicks from Neon Genesis."

by dee_dawg September 19, 2011

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dragon's lair

A turd that begins in the hole of the siphon of the toilet bowl and remains entirely intact. The importance of the intact body lies in the fact that it must be long enough for it to lay its glistening head outside of the water surrounding the beast's cave.

I had to leave the dirty toilet paper outside the bowl until I could properly document my dragon's lair. Shit was crazy.

by Thee White Knight September 18, 2010

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Brozone Lair

A room, restaurant, cave, bar or other establishment for bros to hang out. Some brozone lairs may be equipped with high tech equipment such as flat screen tvs or gaming systems. While others are simply places of refuge from women or the stresses of daily life, such as a cave.

Work sure was tough today, you wanna grab a beer and hang in the brozone lair?

That wife of yours is a real curmudgeon we should hide out in the brozone lair.

by FakeNameForMe August 17, 2009

Orcish Lair

An Orcish Lair is a place where tribes of Orcs tend to gather, awaiting a coming battle. It can also refer to a place where Orcs simply live and do what Orcs do.

An Orcish Lair can also refer to one's asshole, more specifically a nasty shit-encrusted asshole. The only way to kill the Orcs that inhabit this Orcish Lair, however, is to pierce it with one's elven staff of power.

Knight: The Orcs are gathering their numbers, sire!

King: Where?!

Knight: The Orcish Lair beyond the forest!

"Last night I shoved my elven staff of power into this chick's orcish lair. When I pulled it out it had brown orc blood on it. Smelled like rotting orcs, too."

by FatJackson October 17, 2009

Skate Lair

Skate shop located in Enfield, CT. Owned by Erik Munday and it is the best. They only sell the stuff you should be buying.

Dude, I went to Skate Lair yesterday and bought a Traffic board.

by Fourthwith May 6, 2008

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