Source Code


Meaning 'laugh at that shit'

Like lol but Lats

by Latslatslats May 29, 2012

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air lats

A condition when a wannabe bodybuilder or muscle man, usually under age 18, think their are lats are bigger than they actually are. The wannabes carry their arms out to the side arched downward in an exagerated fashion pretending they have big muscules. If the lats were truly developed, this would be a normal posture. There is no physiological reason for the arms to stick out if the lats aren't there.

Lats - derived from latissimus dorsi. Back muscules that give males a "V" shape when well developed.

Air - meaning non-existent or invisible.

Air lats to a bodybuilder is what an air guitar is to Jimmy Hendrix.

Air lats bragged that he could bench 350lbs.

by Blowfish July 31, 2005

36๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

all lat

All of that.

Usually said when you're offered more than you want.

Tyrone: Yeah, lemme get that large popcorn and a Coke...and some nachos.
Bobby: For five cents more you can Mega Size that Coke.
Tyrone: Aw, word?
Bobby: Yeah, and for ten cents more you can get extra cheese on your nachos!
Tyrone: Fa sho, nigga! I want all lat!

by Parkin' Lot Pimpin' October 17, 2006

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Like a troll

when someone says something epic and you praise them with "lat".

Person 1: I can take your TV back home to mine for repair, hope that on the way back nobody will think I stole it

Person 2: Get it, because you're black!

Person 1: Ahahahahaha racism lat ftw man x'D

by ChocolateManIsGood November 26, 2011

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to be a hardcore thug and complete failure at life at the same time; one crazy-ass MoFo!!!

50 Cent is such a C-Lat!

by Rob L\'Heureux March 17, 2003

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fiz is lat

secret code used to go behind Parker's back meaning "Liz is Fat". Can also be pronounced: "physics lab"


PJ: Physics lab is coming this weekend.
PARKY: PJ, Physics lab isn't a person...

by FAT October 24, 2004

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One rather tough-minded Gozaga student who loves the form of the male body and home and garden shows.

I saw some C-lat last friday pulling into the Washington Home & Garden Show in Chantilly.

by Robb Kiley March 20, 2003

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