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no limits

the act of one taking one or more of their testicles and pushing them, gently of course, out of their sack and into their lower abdomen... theoretically their is no limit to how high you can push you're balls up, and makes a statement on the actee's part in that they clearly are saying they do not believe in limits or anything that would limit them in life.

Kid looking at me crotch: Hey man where'd you're testicle go and why is there a lump in you're pelvic area?
Me: No Limits

by Roynut April 25, 2007

23πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


1. Limited to an extreme
2. Extra limited
3. Ultra-limited

1. When I got caught sneakin out, my pops limitated my hanging out.

2. At work, my boss limitated me to a dishwasher position.

by >>>Savin$my$Dollas<<< January 27, 2018

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a berrier our minds make to try to make what you can do seem great.

what the cops put on speed

in the deep confines of our mind we creat limitations for ourself...these "limitations"are the only thing keeping us from achieving greatness...armed with a sledgehammer i will not be bound down.

by coman November 24, 2004

16πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

no limit

A form of poker in which the player may bet all of his chips at any time. See all in. Texas Hold 'Em is often played "no limit" in a tournament setting, but there are many other variations.

"No limit, baby!", -- champion poker player Scotty Nguyen.

by Joe Bone March 11, 2005

18πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

No Limit

No Limit is a Korean Drama, it tells about an underdog soccer player named Cha Bong Goon. He wants to reach his dream to be a professional soccer player. It's hard, but he doesn't want to give up. There is also his love life between he, Kang Hae Bin (his agent), and Oh Yeon Yi (his best friend), ando Jang Seung Hoo (Kang Hae Bin's boyfriend).

This is a very inspirational Korean drama for me, it can begin my spirit to reach my dreams. I'll always love this drama although No Limit's rating is low in Korea.
Maybe that's because the correspondents don't have any television so actually they don't watch anything!

Stars: U-Know Yunho (TVXQ leader), Go Ah-Ra, Lee Yoon Ji, Kim Jae-Seung, Lee Sang Yoon, etc.

(and enjoy U-KNOW YUNHO--my idol's handsome face :))

U-Know Yunho, No Limit, K-Drama

by boyokampung August 7, 2010

7πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


I want only you.

I am limited to her.

by W. March 30, 2004

8πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Pretty dumb, doesn’t always know what’s happening, limited brain cells, limited focus, Limited brain function, limited everything

That guy has no clue what is happening right now, he’s so limited!

by for.real.definitions May 24, 2020

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