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Loler Dollar

A term used to express laughter, glee, or other merriment. Made by Mima in 2010. :I

"I can't open my pickle jar!" D:

"Loler dollar, fail." XD!

by Mima Mima! April 28, 2011

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Loler Express

A series of funny events. When alot of funny things happen it is like you have ridden the 'Loler Express.' Derived from the text word lol meaning laugh out loud.

I feel as though I rode the loler express today!

by PeterBamBam December 9, 2009

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loler scoot

Loler scoot has originated some where over the internet, and is a sarcastic term meaning one laughs so hard that their penis explodes

Holy shit, that made me want to loler scoot.

by Th_jackass July 7, 2008

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loler blades

A term used in place of the common and overly used "lol". Used to spice up a conversation.

loler blades, that was funny

by wolfguy October 28, 2010

flying lolers

someone who is really funny. comes from the expression "flying colors"

chick1 "I just came back from a date with this guy."
chick2 "whats he like?"
chick 1 "He came through with flying lolers!"

by lordofdudes April 9, 2011


The one kid in the group when someone asks whos the dumb one you all point to the loler when the pretty girl walks by the loler says something stupid

The loler of my friends asked the girl i like out

by THE GAMING GOAT February 11, 2019


a cool kid.

"Hey you're a Loler!" said meghan

by thecoolkidthatwrotethis May 29, 2019