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There's 2 types of loners. The loser loner and the cool loner. Unfortunately throughout high school and life I fell into the first category not the second.

The one i always wished to be and looked up to was The cool loner, they're the one who does their own thing, dosen't really care what others think, rejects most people yet is looked up to and follows their own lead. Usually ends up popular in some way despite their aversion to popularity in general. They always have the 'cool' people approaching them wanting to be friends yet they prefer to do their own thing. Usually are hated or loved. This kind of person is usually miles ahead of the 'popular people'

Then there's guys like me.. The loser loner. The type of guy who dosen't have good social skills, No confidence and jealous traits. The one who never gets the girl, the money or the friends. The dumb guy who nobody notices. The one who feels invisible around women. The one who nobody wants to spend time with. Known as 'the boring guy', the 'friendless' guy, the invisible man. We have to act out to get attention. We arent lone wolves, we are dependent insecure people who are usally better friends with the teachers and tag-a-long. We were dealt a bad hand in life.

Being a loner isnt a bad thing.

by Sonni Vitale December 27, 2007

3992๐Ÿ‘ 763๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something I somewhat enjoy being as it means I can do my own thing, spend my time doing something I actually enjoy, and I'm not pressured to do what others want me to do.

Being a loner is OK.

by HellloKiity February 7, 2008

845๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who chooses to ignore the commonly held belief that humans are by nature social and therefore need constant interaction with others to lead an enjoyable life.
Usually this person enjoys a plethora of solo social activities (internet, books, gaming, science/math related hobbies) and can comfortably attend social events and activities alone.
Loners can interact socially and in some cases are well received by others; yet still look forward to their alone time.

A person whose mindset is different(in many cases exactly in opposition to) than most of the people they interact with regarding politics, social issues, economic issues, and life in general.
Loners in many cases would rather speak about issues that affect everyone rather than what this celebrity did on that day.
Loners also have a live and let live attitude.

In friendships and relationships loners are usually fiercely loyal and honest and can even be quite romantic; but their nontraditional style in many cases may leave their mates and friends in wonderment.
If a loner finds a similar soul, they will usually bond with that person well because there is no strong social obligation/demand as there may be with non loners.

Loners, if they do follow any traditions, usually do so in their own unique fashion which comes from self analysis rather than strictly following someone elses interpretation. Loners are close cousins to mavericks and pioneers. And some of them even become innovators and thinkers who solve certain problems in unexpected ways.

Loners are not to be confused with the lonely. Lonely people prefer being social, but for internal and/or external reasons have problems doing so.
Lonely people are the ones who suffer from depression and related disorders more than what is said to be normal because their need for human contact is not being fulfilled to their preference.

Being a loner is an active choice.
Being lonely is a collection of negative circumstances that limit choice.

The legendary Musashi was loner swordsman who, even though he trained under others, developed his best skills and even a strategic manual alone.

The person who I consider one of the dearest people I know(even more so than most of my blood relatives) is a loner.

She is smart. witty, intelligent, intuitive, deep, honest, caring, strong, assertive, free thinking, loyal

as well as physically attractive(in a general sense because I see her as mom).
She is teaching me ways to acquire my freedom and sovereignty more than just in my mind and habits.

by Nomadic Heretic August 31, 2009

281๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that tends to enjoy their own company. They are very introversive(meaning they have a harder time making friends.). Though I wouldn't say they are that way because they are socially retard, but they are rather more comfortable being by themselves. With this being said. Loners tend to be the less stressed out over social issues, and tend to be able to solidify, and worry more on their real problems. Contrary to popular belief. Loners do make friends, but tend not to want to hang out in groups. If in a gorup they will just be quiet, and will only say something if they know the subject well enough. Being a loner is what everyone dreams of, but when seeing one. They usually get viewed in a negative light.

I've been a loner due to the fact that the pressures of being within a social discourse community is too vast, and very irritating. People get mad over the dumbest shit, and tend to worry over things that aren't real problems...Like surviving..... I have a few friends, and I pretty much know a lot of people that know me. Though I'm always by myself. I doubt its my fault, but I'm kinda lazy when it comes to trying to make friends anyway... :P

by lordblazer December 6, 2006

1242๐Ÿ‘ 265๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lonerism is a state of being alone embraced by mostly schizoids, weirdos, outcasts, loners, ninjas, shaolin heros, and geeks.

I suffer from Lonerism and i enjoy every minute of it!!

by yadsendew June 7, 2011

101๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is introverted and has little or no friends and likes to be by himself.They can be just either introverted and just feel happier being by themself OR actually be depressed and laughed at etc. Loners are often considered to be "cool" and "rebellious" in the media and stuff, but real loners are often picked on or ignored and treated like shit and alot of people would NEVER want to be the REAL loner.

I am a loner because I have few friends, don't socialize, play video games and surf the net every day and wasting my time defining loner on Urban Dictionary. I am a loner.

by G_loser September 9, 2007

418๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


A loner is just a person that wants to be left the fuck alone and likes his/her space. So don't mess with them.

goth peopleq and quiet people and ofter loners.

by pyro4096 May 6, 2007

495๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž