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An underrated Japanese 80s metal band that kicked ass!

by Da Dude October 18, 2003

43πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1. (Adjective) used to describe marijuana of very high quality; very strong weed.

2. (Adjective) used to describe something (or someone) that is of high quality; very good; awesome; sick (slang); cool; dope (slang); amazing.

Example 1. He was smoking that loud yesterday, kept him calm for hours.

Example 2. Damn bruh, Drake's new mixtape is loud!

by SlangGuru1 March 21, 2015

160πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

That Loud

Smoking Or Refering To Smoking Marijuana; Geting High With Your Friends And Being Loud

I Be Smokin' That Loud Mane; We Was Smokin That Loud The Other Night

by Coco_123 May 8, 2011

56πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


when someone says something you don’t want to hear, mostly internet slang when someone posts a glow up of a celebrity or anniversaries of events, made to make other people emotional.

(example: someone posts a picture of one direction when they first became a band and then another one of their last day as a band before hiatus. they caption it- β€œit feels like yesterday they were on the X-factor”) they’re being loud

β€œshut up you’re so LOUD”

by backstagebesson March 14, 2018

42πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


High grade marijuana

That smells like day loud bro

by Wordsiknowthedeff June 25, 2020


High quality of Marijuana , VERY good weed .

Miguel : You got any ?
Michelle : Yeah , i got some Loud !

by PrincessDopey<3 October 30, 2011

860πŸ‘ 600πŸ‘Ž


the past tense of being loud

β€œhe was being so loud” - shortened - β€œhe louded” it’s so much easier.

by thiccbarbie October 16, 2018