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Somthing you say when there is nothing else to talk about. Its fun to say when a teacher is yelling at you ; or parent.

Kendal: Love you.
Dave: Love you to.
Kendal: Mah.
Dave: Oh, mah to you to.

Teacher: Get out!
Kendal: MAHHHH!
Teacher: ...........(What the hell?!)

by DudeWheresYourPants! March 3, 2011

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Phonetic spelling of "my." Also spelled ma or muh. Mah is a better spelling when it has emphasis in the sentence, or when spoken with a drawl.

Mah old man beat mah ass good.

by vanilla g-lotto December 17, 2004

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Used in replace of man because it's cooler.

Instead of "aight man, i got you"
You say "aight mah, i got you"

by B Dick April 3, 2008

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Mah is a word generally used only in convorsation to imply something that makes you feel an emotion that is not good. It can be a noun, verb, adjective, you name it. Usually a simple "mad" or "sad" or anything else is simply not enough to impress those bums who like odd words. Thus the use of MAH! It is ALSO a secret code that can stand for Mad At Hector that can be useful when you are in a chat room...

I can't stand horror movies they make me all MAH!
God hector pisses me off MAH!
We lost our watermellon spitting contest, i feel mah.

by Flappy December 19, 2004

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In relation to ma, mother, mama; but used not to your actual mother but, to a girl you like, are friends with, or are just cool with.

Hey mah, Hwyd mah, wyd mah, gn Mah

by GJHarrison January 16, 2017

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An indication that one is frustrated. The word can be drawn out to show extreme frustration.

Maaaaahhhhhhhhh! I don't get this shit!

by yahuh December 28, 2005

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Chinese surname. Origins: Southern Chinese last name. It is also spelled Ma or Mar.

Mah is the word for horse in Chinese.

Yo Yo Ma is a famous violinist. Jack Ma is the Chinese owner of Alibaba Group.
Mah is a surname in China. The Mah family is very famous in China, California, Georgia, Nevada, New York and Canada.

by georgiamah17 February 12, 2017