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just maintain

To hold composure, even in the stickiest of situations; to be a juggernaut with grace 100 percent of the time...every time. It may be used at times when someone may be feeling doubt, fear, anger, sadness, nervousness, agitated, shame, or like a pussy; generally among friends. It is the only appropriate remedy when the speaker finds their friend or acquaintance at their lowest state of being.

I opened the door one day to find my best friend soaking wet and crying, and he tells me that he has just lost his job, his wife has left him, his dog ran away, his car was stolen, and he's broke. I had never seen a man look so shockingly, depressed before. After a long pause, the only helpful words that I could think of were "Just maintain." The next day, my friend went big on the stock market and bought a new car, found his dog, got a job with a bigger firm, and had a Victoria Secret model offer to run away with him.

by das Boot1234 October 2, 2007

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Truth Maintaining

Writing down either the exact words each individual says, or only the most important words they say, and/or audio or video-recording the words them to deter the participants in a discussion, argument, conversation, or negotiation from making false statements or saying they said something other than what they said or saying they did not say something they said.

Because human beings tend to make false statements it is extremely helpful to practice Truth Maintaining by writing down and also audio or video-recording individuals as they express themselves in a discussion, argument, conversation, or negotiation.

by but for February 26, 2018

marijuanna maintainance

The use of marijuanna in lieu of a substance over which one has lost complete control.
A distinction must be made between this and actual recovery.

That Jason dude is turning into a complete pot-head.

Ya, well at least he ain't a crack-head no more. He's doing marijuanna maintainance.

Oh pleeeze! Only marijuanna maintainance he's doing is his fuckin' grow op. I cannot wait to see his tawdry ass get busted.

by b-ball April 21, 2007

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marijuana maintainance

Misspelled (go figure) response definition to a cycle of behavior whereby a person (alcoholic) trades one drug (alcohol) that is holding them back/wreaking terrible destruction in their lives with another drug that can be very psychologically addictive, though inherently less harmful(marijuana), but that will--if taken heavily, as is often the case--just usually perpetuate the cycle of addiction and lead to relapse with the original drug of choice (DoC).

The great thing with 'the plan' is, once you get used to the daily weed sessions and and realize nothing helps those recurrent head-fucking-a-vise-in-swirling-free fall hangovers like deep, triadic bong hits, then you've got TWO habits to deal with and pay for. Great plan.

"Hey, have you seen Brule Jerkwater around lately? After he lost his job at Volkswagen, was divorced by his husband, and got into that unfortunate attempted manslaughter accident with Santa at the shopping mall, you know, I really thought he had it in him to stick with the program and get clean. I saw him sitting quietly always eating that big bag of Doritos for months, but he seems to just have quit coming."

"oh yeah, I forget to tell you, he was working in the kitchen at Applebees with my druggie stepbrother for a while, but then they both got caught making thousand island pot sauce after close one night and got the axe. Last I heard he was working for the carnival and back to drinking handles of rum.

"Goddamn that marijuana maintainance (sic). They always think they can trade one for the other. Motherfuckers don't get it: we can't handle on-tap euphoria."

by CaptainDooDoo July 2, 2009

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high maintainance bitch

noun: a girl who requires a great of maintainance i.e. dates, gifts, calls, etc. in order that you can continue dating/fucking her.

Adam girlfriend is a high maintainance bitch. If he doesn't drop at least $50 on her a week she won't give up the punani.

by Spit Blood April 15, 2003

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Maintain-Your-Homeostasis means to take four deep breathsโ€“โ€“while taking your timeโ€“โ€“to keep yourself chill.

"Maintain-Your-Homeostasis so we can have an ideal classroom environment. And it's a vibe..." Mr. Okezie

by phantomofthe0pera November 24, 2019

Maintain Your Homeostasis

"Maintain Your Homeostasis" is one of many of Mr. Okezie's catch-phrases. It generally means to take four deep breaths, while taking your time of course, to the effect of reducing one's cortisol levels. He says this almost all the time....and it works.

Hey man, your messing up the vibe. It's a vibe....bruh. Maintain Your Homeostasis.

by phantomofthe0pera November 24, 2019