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An act of aggression toward's turtles in Austin,Texas by shoving vacuum cleaners up bathtub faucets,They are more oppressed than the gamers and even the Sunny Boys theyve been oppressed on the highways since 700bc

Danny the back turtle was walking up to the dollar general one day and he see the greatest act of oppression and aggression to him and his kind Filthy straight white males were walking around the store and stuck vacuums up not just faucets but putting them in the bags of cocaine too, he died of manspreading

by Osokegghj October 1, 2018

14πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


When a third wave feminist has been brainwashed by Cultural Marxism and so severely dumbed down by Academia, Hollywood and the Mainstream Media to believe that a Penis and testicles don't necessarily exist on a man, but are interchangeable due to gender-fluidity, so there should be zero reason to leave space for external organs when sitting down on public transportation.

I couldn't fckn' believe it. I was sitting across from this privileged white male on the train trying to post selfies to all my Instagram friends, and he's directly in front of me reading a book called Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell or something just manspreading in front of me the entire time. Then this elderly lady and some homeless vet who seems to be disabled or something actually asked me to move my Coach bags off the seats next to me so they could sit down!!!! Seriously, I hate this country!

by Red Pillar January 26, 2019

19πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


When men have to open up their legs while sitting because they don’t want to crush their balls they can’t help it ladies stop complaining

Female 1: tell him to move he’s manspreading
Female 2:don’t take up 2 seats that’s so disrespectful

Male: I’m sorry I don’t want to crush my massive balls

by Lilpeejishot April 26, 2020

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The act of a guy spreading their legs to make room for their balls while sitting,

it is the most efficient way to piss off feminist who claims to be a strong woman yet whines about guys taking up 0.000001 nano meters of extra seat in the subway,

rants aside, it's weird how society accepts this made up word coined by a woman to describe how a man behaves, it's basically no different than "Alt-Rights" and "Incels" who coined words like 'Chad', and 'Redpill' women are so scared about

Alex: *is manspreading*
Nancy: stop taking up spaces you potential rapist!
Alex: four words, Shut, The, Fuck, Up

by z,,,, February 13, 2021

19πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


when you put cum on toast

"is that butter you're putting on your toast" - Tyler
"No, that's manspread, duh!" - Kristian

by krizzzle August 25, 2017

27πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


When some North American men spread their arms or legs in a crowded space, taking up more personal space than is necessary and causing inconvenience or discomfort to others. Although these North American men claim this sprawl is necessary to create comfortable space for their testicles, they can't explain how their outspread arms are necessary for their testicles, nor can they explain why men from the rest of the world can sit with crossed legs or in a corner and not die of discomfort.

Are you the Marlboro man riding a horse through the wilderness or are you on public transport? Instead of us all standing and staring at your crotch and armpit, how about you check that manspread?

by CheddaD January 5, 2018

26πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


When a male sits in public and takes up as much space as humanly possible.

Also something triggered femists made up to bash men with. Buzzfeed in particular popularized the saying.

Oh Wow! Look! I'm a feminist and that man is sitting over there manspreading. He is taking as much space as humanly possible!

by Bill Cosby is innocent October 15, 2017

15πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž