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Manterrupting: a sexist display of male "dominance". A trait that has not yet been lost despite decades of evolution. When men interrupt women because they "believe" that what they have to say is somehow more important.

Boy: why aren't you joining in on the conversation any more? Talk wth us!

Girl: I would love to, but anytime I try to say to chime in, but your buddies keep manterrupting me.

by FeministMiss November 12, 2015

2654๐Ÿ‘ 7653๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word made up by a misogynist on September 2016.

The post above is manterrupting a fellow group of misogynists

by VintagePsych October 6, 2016

68๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a male interrupts a female because they assume that whatever a female is saying must be of very little importance.

I was trying to explain why taking the freeway to my parents' house was a bad idea on the weekend, but he just kept manterrupting me. According to him, he knew how to drive and didn't need my help. That's why we got stuck in a two hour traffic jam.

by everydamnhandleisalreadyinuse November 23, 2016

87๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž


A man's inherent right to interrupt a woman's opinion solely based on the fact that he is superior by dint of his gender. Men are by every quantifiable measure vastly superior to women, and as such are free to stop a woman mid sentence in order to bring veracity, logic, or common sense into the conversation.

Woman: "I just feel that I do the same amount of work and get paid less, this wage gap is..."
Man: "I call upon the power of manterrupting! Listen closely you silly bitch. he wage gap has been

debunked and proven inherently false over and over. It doesn't exist, and your desire to

prove it exists is simply a reaction that is increasingly common among increasingly entitled

Woman: I feel that is untrue based on nothing other than my own feelings at present, which I now

choose to believe over your impeccable logic and superior thinking capability.

by Hewhoistruth October 12, 2016

52๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


Manterrupting occurs when the more competitive nature of males drives a male to interrupt a sentence or conversation of a male or female in order to interject their own views or statements. While this practice can occur male to male, it occurs more frequently male to female as, by nature, females are conflict avoidant and will oftentimes back down and allow the interruption.

Many males dislike this urban slang term as it's usually used by a female to describe male behavior.

Joe Schmoe is manterrupting again, it's like he never knows when to let others talks and just listen patiently like the rest of us do.

by Slang-it December 10, 2016

9๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Manterrupting is a huge issue that men don't understand, and can never understand. They use this as a way to discredit and bash feminists, though all women believe this is a real thing.

Manterrupting and masplaining go hand in hand, when a man believes, within himself, that he is right and should have to trample on others he will interrupt them.

Man: Well just deal with it, he's your president now!

Woman: I have to fear for my daughters, sisters-
Man: No you don't, you feminists disgust me, like you'll ever meet Trump.

Woman: thanks for manterrupting and mansplaining my life to me.

Man: ugh, feminists.

by ihadtomakethistouploadonething December 8, 2016

9๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


That thing that most two-year-olds do when they want to be heard by the grown-ups -- only this is done by grown ass men who feel like their opinions aren't respected by women who have a hard time taking grown ass men acting like two-year-olds seriously.

Sarah: The thermostat in my hou..
Todd: *manterrupting - again* ACTUALLY it's your radiator, you stupid cunt.
Sarah: wow...*vagina slams shut*

by SDRidinghood December 9, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž