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a white gooey food substance...one that Bill tries to cook over scented candles and then throws up chunks in the bathroom//on the floor//in the sink//on the ceiling//in the toilet//in the shower//bathtub lol

Bill: hmm im hungry...I GOT AN IDEA! why dont i try to toast a Marshmellow over a candle!! (a few minutes later the marshmellow is toasted and he takes a bite) mm that tastes....(after he gives his stomach a few seconds to digest the marshmellow) like pine needle! yuck! (he runs to the bathroom and barfs all over the place)

Kyrstin:(is rolling on the floor laughing like a manic) THATS WHAT YOU GET BILL!!

by KyrstinAnnette November 19, 2006

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marshmellow butt

a girl who has a nice big white butt

omg, did u see that girl walking by, she had a marshmellow butt

by ant-tony July 31, 2009

Burnt Marshmellow

Those old, saggy people, who have layed out in the sun so much that thier skin turns into a leathery dark brown. These people sport skimmpy bathing suits (thongs and bannana-hamicks) or tan topless. Usually found in tropical tourist areas, like florida.

That burnt marshmellow tanning, in the thong is not pleasent to the eyes.

by dsahjsdjkbs May 5, 2009

Marshmellow it up

The act of bundling oneself up into multiple layers of clothing to prevent hypothermia

Dude I wanna go sledding, lets marshmellow it up

by theonceandfutureantichrist February 3, 2010

Marshmellow Hugs

A hug between two people that is full of warmth, friendship and affection.

There should be no distance between both people, this is unlike the "man pat" where distance should be maximised as affection, and respect are not part of the relationship. It could even be possible, with the "man pat", that both parties to the hug are politicians or arch enemies.

A marshmellow hug should see both people lingering for a squeeze, a giggle and a cheek smooch.

Marshmellow huggers are generally warm people, and dislike those who "man pat".

Flower to bumble bee - "Hello suuugarrrr, so long since I've seen you. Miss you terribly"

*Flower and bumble bee throw their arms around each other, squeeze, face smooch and giggle with glee due to the happiness created by marshmellow hugs*

by WeezaPants June 8, 2011

white marshmellow

a lovely cum covered marshmallow that is inserted into ones mouth at the point of climax

"are you ready to taste my white marshmellow baby girl"

by Bigger Andy February 10, 2021

Marshmellow Weebs

A weeb who is too sensitive towards various jokes about his/her/they's favorite anime/anime's that is liked by them. They can't handle sexual jokes, jokes about certain characters, dark jokes from certain animes, etc. They also think cosplaying as minors and lewding those characters is considered pedophilia, even though it's just a drawing. Many of them influence bullying towards other cosplayers, shippers, or NSFW artist and suicidal thoughts towards those people. Their entire world revolves around their OTP's and cute fluffy animals. They are usually weeb teens or single 20 or 30 year old's with many 'wives' 'husbands' and 'children' in their friends group. If you happen to come across a Marshmellow Weeb, run as fast as you can. Their drama will make your brain hurt

Marshmellow weebs will cry over anything they don't agree with.

Cosplayer: do you think this would look sexy in bakugou cosplay?
Marshmellow weeb: Ew! ArE YoU A PeDoPhIlia?!

Cosplayer: What? No. are you a Marshmellow weeb who needs to be roasted?

by Panda O'zilla July 6, 2020

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