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Mark Fischbach is a masochist

by Susan, destroyer of souls March 20, 2020

1054👍 70👎



The Unus Annus trolley problem. If you do nothing, Mark and Ethan will be crushed by the trolley, but none of the unus annus videos will be deleted. If you pull the lever, all the videos will disappear, but Mark and Ethan will live. Ethan is sleeping peacefully and is unaware of the danger but Mark wants to be hit by the trolley NOT because he's a masochist but just because he wants to see if his body can handle it. Go on. He wants you to do it. He can take it. You don't need to worry about Ethan. Just let him rest. It will be okay. Just let it happen.

by yaxmissxme July 23, 2020

309👍 22👎


A masochist is someone who feels pleasure from or enjoys the feeling of pain. This can be sexual pleasure, but is not always.

John enjoys pain, meaning he is a masochist

by TheFrenchDuck December 29, 2021

63👍 4👎



you are a masochist

by FuckingMasochisticBitch March 9, 2022

44👍 3👎


1: a sexual perversion characterized by pleasure in being subjected to pain or humiliation especially by a love object — compare this to sadism

2: pleasure in being abused or dominated : a taste for suffering

mas·och·ist - noun
mas·och·is·tic - adjective
mas·och·is·ti·cal·ly - adverb

Origin of MASOCHISM:
International Scientific Vocabulary, from Leopold von Sacher-Masoch †1895 German novelist
First Known Use: 1892

As he beat me further and further into blissful bruises I realised I was a masochist.

by jba982 February 23, 2011

255👍 53👎


My friend Ari

Ari is a masochist

by TSK7 June 3, 2021

15👍 1👎


Adjective describing someone whose actions illustrate their desire to inflict pain and suffering upon themselves.

Someone who enjoys causing their own suffering.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..."
"What a stupid lamb" I sighed
"What a sick, masochistic lion."

by colddeadandsparklyy December 15, 2008

307👍 121👎