Source Code


1. chillin
2. chilling in style (this takes practice)

1. "what chu doin?"

by cuco October 5, 2003

198๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Chilling in the best way possible

"I'm just maxin, relaxin, it aint too taxin!"

by Booga December 15, 2003

338๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for Maxwell or Maximilian. Maxs tend to be procrastinators, and this keeps them from unlocking their full omnipotence, but other than that they are superb in most ways. Associated with ninjas, Russian mafia, and pirates (Jack sparrow, not black beard). You can find Maxs at the top of mount Everest, playing Halo, and in bed with your girl. At best, creative and smart. At worst, annoying and hurtful.

Dude 1: oh my god look at him! He is just meditating instead of writing down his science notes!
Dude 2: Yeah, he's such a...
(Max, having built up his galactic ultimate super jumbo power, explodes everything but himself. He then jumps 80 feet in the air, and slams his fist into chuck Norris's head.)

by DubstepKilledPop June 5, 2014

150๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Max is a Greek name meaning "Large Penis". Max is amazing with the ladies and is great to be around. He is funny and amazingly intelligent.

Wow, I wish I was more like Max, he's amazing!

by Koonitz July 19, 2011

820๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best guy in the whole wide world <3 I love him with all my heart. He is always there for me and I'm so glad he's mine. My Max. I love him so much, everything is just perfect about him. He's flawless and always makes me smile and gives the best hugs. Max is the most amazing boyfriend ever. If you date a Max, keep him. Max is the best person in the entire universe who I will always love.

My Max is perfect in every way.

by ldarling24 December 18, 2013

87๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


an absolutely amazing guy. tall, funny, innapropriate, and lovable. he may hang out with some really douchey people, but he is the sweetest, kindest boy when you are talking to him alone. his jokes can be appreciated by anyone with a good sense of humor, and the fact that he is always getting into trouble despite his brains just adds to his hotness.

and even though ive said it hundreds of times, i do mean it. I LOVE HIM.

Girl 1: "Oh look, there's Max laughing with a bunch of his friends!"

Girl 2: "Probably making some sex joke. But he told me i was beautiful when we went out last weekend."

by Pan-Pan October 26, 2016

110๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Max is the kind of guy who doesn't understand the word no. He is like an angel that guides the path with short cuts and loads of risks. He is totally boyfriend material but he has to know who you are to be able to date you.

Gabby: Bella stop staring at max.

Bella: he has to know I am staring first.

Gabby: โ€ข-โ€ข

by Death_life07 July 10, 2018

32๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž