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all that meat and no potatos

Refers to an unusually beautiful and/or well-endowed woman who is clueless.

I understand why Todd likes Bonnie, but whoa, talk about a case of all that meat and no potatos!

by Jim&Sally February 18, 2009

11👍 16👎

All (that) meat and no potatoes

Having to do with a tremendously fat person (a rude catchphrase)

Look at that huge kid, all meat and no potatoes.

by Light Joker August 18, 2004

19👍 40👎

Meat and potatoes

When somebody refers to "meat and potatoes", they are referring to the point, and getting right into it.

"Man, they sure did get right into the meat and potatoes."


"They got straight to the point."

by Neon_nostalgia August 22, 2023