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metal head

A metal head has intense love for metal bands. They usually wear band tee shirts and jeans. Dont care too much about their appearence. We are quiet and keep to ourselves. Believe it or not most of us are inteligent. Most love to draw and are very artistic (such am i). Real metal heads listen to the classic bands such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica(old), Pantera, Megadeth, GN'R, and that shit. People who say their 'metal heads' who happen to listen to gay nu metal-slipknot, cradle of filth, ext. AREN'T true metal heads. Also, a true metal head wont come out and say 'im a metal head' We dont give a shit about what people think about us and quite frankly could care less. We're close to our friends aspecially the ones who respect us for who we are and dont care about what kinda music we listen to. Like i said before we keep to ourselves but are always up for a fight or to defend our music. ALOT of people mistake metal heads for EMO,GOTH, and PUNK which are very different from metal heads. Emos hate the world and cut themselves and listen to fall out boy *gag* and goths just crave the attention or are depressed. Punks like to pogo and listen to sex pistols and shit like that. Metal heads love life, have senses of humor, and are just fun to be around and rock out with! So for all you metal haters;GO BUY A FALLOUT BOY CD AND DIE!

Real Metal Head: IRON MAIDEN, Judas Priest, Black Sabath, KISS(old), Metallica(old), Pantera, Alice Cooper, and megadeth.

by Samantha021 May 17, 2007

187๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž

Metal Head

A Metal Head is a fan of metal music. Just remember music comes from the saul, not the How To Be Cool section of the paper.


Teenage Preppy MTV Sellout 1: Hey! Look at the MetalHead! he's different from us! Let's go make fun of him!
Teenage Preppy MTV Sellout 2: Yeah!!!
Metal head: GWAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!(making devil horns with his hands)
Both Teenage Preppy MTV Sellouts: AIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!(Running like little girls and shitting themselves)

by Morgan, The Princess of the Fairys July 30, 2007

48๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Metal Head

A metal head is someone who likes metal. No questions. No classifications on what you have to do to be a metal head. People specify what bands are not metal, that's just wrong. It doesn't have to be Lamb Of God, or Pantera. It could Slipknot, Slipknot is metal. It's a mixture. Anything that is metal IS metal. Almost all of my friends listen to rap and totally misinterpret it, except for two. Not all metal heads like fights. I HATE fights. You don't have to freaking like heavy metal to be a metal head. I listen to melodic metalcore, like Trivium, KSE, and sometimes Slipknot ( Not really melodic but I listen to it)

Metal Head #1: " Dude what the fuck are you doing listening to Slipknot thats not metal!"

Me: " Dude fuck off I like it and it's metal. Doesn't have to be Heavy metal or death metal or what ever. So fuck off"

by 0utsiderAtSchool March 13, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

metal head

Your stereotypical (metal) head is some1 who is strong minded and physically tough, however this varies from person to person. A (metal) head listens 2 (heavy metal) bands ranging from (black sabbath) to (pantera).Metal heads can be seen with long hair or shaved heads. Metal heads USUALLY dont listen to nu metal bands such as (slipknot) or (system of a down). A metal head usually wears jeans, leather boots and a leather jacket, accompanied by collars with spikes/band names/logos on. Metal heads despise (chavs)/(emo's) and even tho metal heads are usually quiet people that just mind their own business they will happily defend themselves, and a small group of tru metal heads cud easily over power a large group of (chavs)/(emo's). Metal heads are known for having short tempers, however ofcourse this isnt always the case.

chav#1: oi! nobhead, u startin?
metal head: *ignores*
chav#2: fu**in goth!
metal head: im not a goth!! *SMACK*
chavs get owned!
metal head walks away.

by cuz58 January 15, 2007

40๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Metal Head

One that listens to all the Metal genre. Metal heads can and could be classified as a typical down to earth person, when turned upon are dangerous and can be harmful as the music they listen to can be the drive for adrenaline and fury when needed. Clothing can range from old to new styles or a combination of the 2. Old can be seen as blue jeans and leather jackets while as the new holding on to the band T-shits or jackets to dark pants as in between light blue pants with dark colored T-shirts. Always doing there own thing most verbal conflict does not effect can usaully hold temper in and burts it all out in an effective act of compulsion and agression, often times scares the the opposer and shows of the "No Fear" attitude. Knows when and what they are Capable when they knwo they can lose a fight they will jump in anyway to show how they will not back down. Can take a beating even if they are weak. Small i numbers but can take on multiple waves of people on there own with no regards for the stakes at risk. Very protective of there friends and can and will die for them when threatened. Despises most cultures "Emo, Pop, some Metal heads dislike hardcore(for reasons of the style of mosh is 'fighting invisible ninjas' or common rivalry between the genres as hardcore kids out number the metal heads)". Open to all ideas and is very conservative on most things. Truely unique people for they can differ from most personalities ranging from hyper and agressive to calm and faint. not many in skools or even out since the musichas died since the ninities, listens to most underground music of the genre and is always looking for new bands to get there hands on and headbang to (will even show there affection for thetre music even if not listening to it and will use lil head wips to as the song is stuck in there head)

slipknot, korn, dream theater, skidrow, slayer, anthrax, Dimmu borgir, Cradle of Filth, Soulfly, Soilwork, In flames etc. (various from artist to artist as metal heads have different opinions)

by Chris Mendoza October 31, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

metal head

metal head
ANYONE who listens to and loves real metal regardless of how they dress or act or fight. "Metal Head" talks about ones music interests and not their personality.

metal head: one who listens to metal
ie: the creater of the documentry, "Metal: A Headbanger's Journy"

by LPATR October 2, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

metal head

someone who appreciates heavy metal music with great enthusiasm. in order for one to truly appreciate heavy metal, they must observe all the aspects of the music, including the beat, lyrics, and effort which is exerted into the difficult solos by the performers. metal heads often listen to their music at high volume, especially in head phones. metal heads are very often biast against anything mainstream, especially music (like hip hop, because it lacks meaning and the musicians dont play their own instruments). metal heads tend to keep friends close, and do not connect with many people. metal heads are very commonly anti-conservatist. but the important part i knowing who is a real metal head, and who is not. people who describe some genres of metal like nu or alt to be any less metal than their hardcore counterparts are dead wrong. there is no such thing as fake metal, it is all real, but what you have to consider is that as time passes, music changes. nu and alt metal is what is leading to the metal of tomorrow, just like how metal was derived from the combination of rock and blues, which was sped up over time to sound hardcore. now i am not saying that you need to love nu and alt metal, but what i am saying is that you need to accept it (its better than that mainstream stuff isn't it?) for what it really is, the metal of tomorrow like how the metal of today is the blues and rock of yesterday.

here are a few band which i love and think that most metal heads should at least know:

all that remains
iron maiden
as i lay dying
ozzy osbourne
black sabbath
judas priest
bullet for my valentine
shadows fall
drowning pool
avenged sevenfold
five finger death punch

by werd neseirf March 9, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž