Source Code

caca mierda

caca mierda shitty shit

That last dope he had was caca mierda. Homegirl's pussy was caca mierda

by yram enaj November 11, 2018

Mierda Secas

An insulting term to MS -13 which means in Spanish "dry shit".

Fuck dem mierda secas.

by R3Y Loc May 12, 2008

66πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

a la mierda

When you want to leave something because you don't like it, in Argentina, people says "a la mierda" as his equal in english for "fuck it".
A variant is "andate a la mierda". Instead of talking about something as in "a la mierda" it talks about someone. His equal in english is "fuck off".

Joey: Man, we have to do the Spanish class homework.
Matt: A la mierda, I don't wanna do it.

by NicolΓ‘s Zacharczuk May 11, 2006

141πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

pinche mierda

Fucken SHit,damn shit.Used when something bad happens.

Paul:O shit the immigration!! Ramon:Pinche Mierda.....

by BetoTheDestroyer January 30, 2004

57πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

come mierda

Shit-eater, asshole, dumb-ass, pendejo, fuckoff, go eat shit. It is used in all spanish speaking countries as in insult or replacement of the above similies.

(1)Dude tell your mom to call me tonight. COME MIERDA!

(2)Que coma mierda Bush!

by RefriedBeaner January 13, 2005

141πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

a la mierda

These are the uses in Argentina:

1- 'a la mierda' is used as 'Holy shit!' when used to express surprise.
2- 'a la mierda' can be used to say that one is 'getting the hell out of here'. You may also send someone 'to hell'.

Note: mierda means shit, so actually you're going and sending someone 'to the shit' when using 'a la mierda'.

A la mierda! me encontre una moneda.
Holy shit! I found a coin.

Me voy a la mierda, nos vemos.
I'm getting the hell out of here, see you.
Andate a la mierda!
Go to hell!

by Leo Green May 10, 2006

72πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

a la mierda

A Spanish slang meaning to not give a fuc*ing damn about something. Literal translation : (To the shit) with that!

«‘a la mierda con eso!Β» β€œI don't give a damn about that”/or β€œscrew that!”

Also note «à la merde» as the french translation

by Spaceillusion_02 May 11, 2009

38πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž