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Mongoloid (mahn - go - loyd) n.
1. One whose ancestors are Asian, particularly those from South-East Asia. Derrived from the term Mongol, who were inhabitants of Mongolia, because much of South-East Asia has been conquered by the Mongols, meaning their genetics had spread. This is especially true in places such as China, but not so much in Japan. They are characterised as having round mandibles, often over-bites (or under-bites), large teeth, small eyes, large eyelids, slanted eyes, black hair, and seemingly yellow skin.

2. (Vulgar slang) A person who resembles one with Down syndrome in appearence, lacks intelligence, or both. Called so, because people unfamiliar with Asians may think of them as people with Down syndrome.

1. Why do many people have a disgusting obsession with everything Asian, including female Mongoloids? Truly bizarre, in my opinion.

2. Kim Jong Il is such a fucking mongoloid.

by Amerikaner October 14, 2006

89๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mongoloid is a word that represented in the past indigenous people to East Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, North Asia, South Asia, the Arctic, the Americas, and the Pacific Islands. One common trait they shared was a birth mark named "Mongolian spot" which was a mark each individual received on their lower lumbar, and was a flat blue to gray discoloration marked on the skin. This was usually resolved by puberty. Elders would refer to children as "blue butts" for example due to the commonality of the condition amongst the mongoloids. This term was then phased out in the late 60s and had a resurgence in the early 80s due to a popular punk band that used the word "mongoloid"to denote it as a word to reference severely handicapped individuals, or to be more frank, people with Down syndrome. This term is now used as a derogortory term in any way other than its original use. Although the use of it to describe the previous stated nationalities, it is now deemed derogatory as well. To sum this explanation up, today the word is used to insult others of their sever lack of intelligence, and in the past it was originally used to denote a large group of ethnic ethnicities.

Stevie and Sarah saw Scott run into a wall that he mistaken for automatic sliding door. Stevie laughed and told Sarah he must be a Mongoloid. Scott overheard this conversation and felt extremely insulted and upset. Sarah insisted on Stevie to apologize for the rude comment.

Dr. Blake requested simple information such as what his patient's rave was, and the patient replied, "Mongoloid". The Doctor instructed his patient that term is no longer applied to her, and so she responded with a more politically correct term.

by ScottAYlouZER October 3, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person of northern Asian lineage, specifically Mongolia. Chinese, Japanese, people from the indo-chinese nations, and native americans are all mongoloids.

Do chinese people count as caucasian?

Shit no, they're mongoloid.

by Chr February 25, 2007

48๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derogatory term for people from 1 of 2 categories -

1. People of East Asian descent, probably originating from the days of Ghengis Khan. These people are now buying up expensive gizmos and gadgets, taking them back to caves, and smashing them on a rock to look at the shiny parts and make necklaces.

2. People with mental handicaps, probably because their mother drank too much or did homemade narcotics during pregnancy. These were the people who live life with a mother who was caught skipping bail because she was smoking PCP on Dog the Bounty Hunter, etc.

Category 1 - Excuse me teacher, I need some new colored crayons. I need smargdine, chartruce, royal blue, and mongoloid yellow.

Category 2 - Teacher to wife: "I had this mongoloid kid shit on the floor when I laughed at him today. I mean, this little kids face just makes me want to put a real fist into his suck hole. There's just something about his face."

by A Creature Underneath January 14, 2009

65๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


a retated midget that has laserations, big forehead, and slanted eyes...most mongoloids are named Tim H. and work at the circus. Fuck mongoloids.

If you see a mongoloid kick it in the fucking face.

by Eli R. May 20, 2008

73๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž


a retated midget that has laserations, big forehead, and slanted eyes...most mongoloids are named Tim and work at the circus. Wears potato sacks as clothes. Loves to say rastafari. They hide under cars or beds.

If you see a mongoloid kick it in the fucking face.

by Eli R. May 20, 2008

74๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who has significantly sub-par intelligence. This is a derogative term that is usually used towards those with down syndrome. This term was popularized in a DEVO song entitled "Mongoloid." The term comes from the barbaric and uncivilized tendencies of mongolian tribes. It is often incorrectly thought that Mongoloid is a demonym for people from Mongolia. Molgoloid describes a person that behaves like a person from Mongolia, while Mongolian describes those that are actually from the country.

Mongoloid, He was a Mongoloid. One chromosome too many.

by ckenneym June 24, 2007

51๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž