Monsieur Gráston- the name of someone you’ve known for the majority of your life, and someone who was your childhood friend that you’ve liked for a while now, like since middle school. Monsieur Gráston is a considerate, thoughtful, caring, funny, perceptive, attractive, and “vulumptuous” Irish boy. He never fails to lift your spirits up. You always look forward to hang out with Monsieur Grá-ston. The thought of a hangout is what gets you through the week. He also has somewhat of a nerd, Star Wars side, which just makes him even cuter; he can do it all. You’re so lucky to have have monsieur Gráston.
“Who’s that cutie?”
“That’s Monsieur Gráston 😩”
Pronouciation (Croc-Monster) Vaginer cover in green diarrhea.
Daddy, please slurp on my Croque Monsieur. (Croc Monster)
it's a underground french singer who sing crazy sexual song like 'je suis une banane" or "la danse du cheval" or more sexual "long penis"
who is it ? monsieur coco
When youre engaged in intercourse with a female on her period and you smear her blood across her face like Leonardo DiCaprio does in the movie "Django".
She started her period and said she was craving candy, so later that night during intercourse I gave her the "Monsieur Candy