not a goth, but also not a townie. usualy someone who enjoys rock or punk, butdoesn't feel the need to be "labled". sadly, when the scalys came into being, they proceded to name anyone vaguely individual that listnes to anything that isn't "bangin chowns" a "mosher" thus defeating the inviduals attemp for individuality.
Ere, look at that mosher over ther
mish mosh get a wash
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Mosher is someone who likes to headbang to heavy rock/heavy metal/thrash etc music.
Clothes, wear what u like man, in my day it wos tight jeans lol.
Will always stand upto injustice to mates!
Thats it(just the basics man lol)
Rock in Peace
Mosh on
Ac/Dc Rool
Disagree then u have'nt seen them live @;-p
R.I.P. Mosher
13๐ 3๐
''Moshers'' are very nice people.. they like to wear black and/or brightly coloured clothes! They are usually found hanging around on parks/street corners..they keep themselves to themselves and rarely get into fights but sometimes the worst comes to worst and they do retaliate..usually toward the actions of chavs. Moshers Hate Chavs. But they usually do there upmost to try and avoid these physical contacts.The music they listen to is different nd most people dont like it but it generally is good music..metal, thrash, rock are the usual types of music they like to listen to.Moshers are Mainly Found wearing baggy clothes and wearing wristbands sometimes with badges pinned to them. They do not feel the need to ''Fit in'' to the general crowd. They are there own people and proud of it.
mosher1 ''dude luk at that group of chavs, wtf r they doin''
mosher2 '' Fets probs! they better not try nd start summat ovr here''
mosher1 ''i no how ya feelin dude!''
mosher3 ''Hey guys, that group of chavs r talkin bout yah!''
mosher2 '' oh well least we giv em summat decent to talk bout!''
mosher3 ''*laughs* Yeh, we r amazing of course!''
mosher1&2 *laugh along*
Group of chavs, *shouts* ''E'yar Fukin Mosh-Bosh Wat Tah Fook Air Youns Laffin At..Dick'eds''
chav girls..usually pregnant.'' U gt Summat To Say feckin spaz's''
Mosher2 ''Nope'' *all 3 walk away*
chav girl ''Youms Givin me lip knob'ed! yeh tats reet run to yer moshpits!''
Mosher3 ''Yeh Okie dokie then''
44๐ 18๐
A person who dresses in black/brightly coloured clothes, usually quite depressed but has a good time with friends, is very random and listens to any type of rock music.
Often found sitting around with friends laughing, joking, playing spin the bottle, and sometimes with alcohol.
Probably has a bag with many badges on declaring their favourite bands or with slogans such as "Fuck You" or "I'm here around the blow job". Generally nice people.
A group of moshers were listening to Green Day and talking.
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A mosher is a person who wears dark close and generally have long hair. They generally listen to heavy metal and types of rock. There main rival are chavs (the scum of the population) and prefer not to be labelled.
Chav : ooy yyah fooken scummy moppeads what dur fook are yahh doin yaaahh fooken pricks??
Chav #2 : yh fooken goffy shit bag!!!!!!!
Chav #3 : we goona get our fooken crew on yahs
Mosher #1 : Whatever *walks away*
Chavs #123 : *smack moshers*
*Moshers beat the living crap out of em*
Mosher #2 :Whos laughin now retards?????????
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anti-chav cooldude
awesome music
incy wincy chav came up the water spout, down came the mosher to knock the fu**er out
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Someone who moshes in a mosh pit - nothing more, nothing less.
People who call kids in baggy clothes "moshers" haven't got a single clue about metal - You go into any decent self respecting mosh pit (eg: Stamping Ground, Biohazard, Slayer...) with flared jeans on and you are going to die, you will trip up and break your neck.
Electricians fix wiring
Footballers play football
Skaters skate
Fishermen fish
and Moshers mosh
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