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(n.) Fungus that appears between hordes of dancing badgers that appear from nowhere. After fives sets of "mushroom mushroom", a snake is brought in to give the mushrooms a rest. The whole process repeats over and over.

(abbr.) Mushroom cloud, the shape of smoke from atomic or nuclear bombing.

(n.) a person with a large forehead, dispropotinal to the jaw and lower face.

I was going to post about badgers, but that word is mentioned enough in other definitions

Quentin Tarantino is a mushroom

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 15, 2004

377๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


the top part of a dick that looks like a mushroom, looks like that if youve been circumcized

There's two types of dicks- mushrooms and anteaters

by philip B> March 18, 2005

448๐Ÿ‘ 242๐Ÿ‘Ž


An innocent person caught in a crossfire

In some cities, Dr. Sherman learned that drug gangs actually have a name for innocent bystanders who are caught in cross-fire. They're called mushrooms, because they can pop up anywhere.

by OKH May 9, 2021


1. A food
2. A fungi
3. A drug
4. A song ( badger )

Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Mushroom Mushroom

by SkuM001 November 24, 2003

92๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


A drinking game where multiple people sit in a circle around an upside down cup. They go around the circle, one by one drawing cards from a deck and depending upon what the card is everyone has to react accordingly.

CARD MEANINGS: (some variability exists)
2= You; the person who drew the card chooses someone to drink (take a large gulp of their drink)
3= Me; the person who drew the card must drink
4= Floor; Everyone must slap the floor with their hand, and the last person to do it must drink
5= Guys; All the guys in the group must drink
6= Chicks; All the chicks in the group must drink
7= Heaven; Everyone must raise their hand in the air, and the last person to do it must drink
8= Date; The person who drew the card picks someone and they both drink together
9= Busta Rhyme; The person who drew the card says a word and then everyone has to go around the circle saying words that rhyme with it, the first person who can't think of one has to drink
10= Categories; The person who drew the card indicates a category, and everyone has to go around saying things that fit into that category. The first person who fails must drink
Jack= Back; The person before the person who drew the card must drink
Queen= Questions; The person who drew the card asks someone a question and they must answer with a question or ask someone else a question. The first person who answers or says something not in question form must drink.
King= Rule; The person who drew the card gets to create a rule that must be followed for the rest of the game.
Ace= Waterfall; The person who drew the card starts drinking, followed by the next person who can't stop drinking until the person in front of them stops.

After you draw the card you place it on top of the upside down cup in the middle of the circle, thus creating a mushroom. If someone knocks over the mushroom they must finish their drink.

"We played 3 games of mushroom last night and I got so wasted off the waterfalls." "If you want to pwn Matt in mushroom, ask him about his chode when a queen is drawn!"

by Ajritals October 21, 2006

93๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


A yummy fungus that grows in the dark and feeds on manure

I must be a mushroom, people keep me in the dark, and feed me bullshit

by EZ 2 August 1, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


red with white spots, good for leveling up

mario leveled up when he ate the mushrooms

by life is an std September 7, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž