Source Code

my girlfriend's a mermaid

a literal meme

"oh em gee my girlfriend's a mermaid!! that's right!! she can't swim tho.

by verycoolcockroach February 23, 2021


Adj., a Contemporary Christian Music (also called CCM) song that means to appeal to an audience outside of typical listeners of CCM by replacing "Jesus" with "You" in hopes of making the Christian content of the song less obvious to non-Christian listeners.

Creed pisses me off. They try to sound like a genuine effect of American counterculture, but it's just a bunch of Jesus-is-my-girlfriend music that Christians think is cowardly and non-believers see right through.

by nappy pappy May 5, 2008

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

My girlfriend Sally

1) In the Urban Dictionary editorial guidelines, the very embodiment of the nonentity: "Publish definitions of Jennifer Lopez because she's famous, but reject my girlfriend Sally".

2) Fictitious girlfriend, invented in order to convince your friends that you are not gay or that a woman has found you attractive enough to want to be your girlfriend. See Canadian girlfriend.

editor: "I had to reject My girlfriend Sally due to the editorial guidline of no violent sex acts."

submittor: "argh! rejection!"

by tehflip March 19, 2008

9πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend

Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend is a crunkcore/scene band that consists of members Jon Jumper on vocals and production, Scarlet Skyie on vocals, and Josh Perczuk on screams. The band was formed in late 2015 with Jon Jumper being the original/only member until Scarlet Skyie and Josh Perczuk joined in April of 2016. The band originally went by the name "Murder At the Dance Club" throughout 2014-2015 until Jon changed the name to "Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend" due to a few incidents involving the police. The members have also been involved in side-projects such as a joke band Jon and Scarlet formed with Kai Cyru$ and R. Tragedy by the name of "Rawr XD" and have done a bit of solo work as well.

Did you listen to that Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend song? They sound a bit like Blood On the Dance Floor, Millionaires, brokeNCYDE, and Dot Dot Curve.

by DokuHantā April 23, 2016

57πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

My girlfriend gave it to me

The excuse used when you're wearing something completely ridiculous that you would never wear if you had a say in the matter.

For girls this can be expressed as "My boyfriend gave it to me" or however you need to use it.

Friend: What's with the turtle neck, wool, brightly colored Christmas sweater?
Me: My girlfriend gave it to me.

by Sid Barrett February 16, 2008

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my "girlfriend" from camp

a fake girlfriend made up by a person so people will believe he/her is in a relationship to show off or fit in.

some kid: You don't even have a gf
other kid: Yes I do

Some kid: no you don't
other kid: yes I do I have a Girlfriend from camp
some kid: Sure your"girlfriend" from camp
other kid : Yeah my "girlfriend" from camp

by alisonlll April 20, 2017

wanna be my girlfriend

When you like someone

Aiden: Hey, Cara... Wanna be my Girlfriend?

Cara: sure

by PusaySuccer1854 November 2, 2020

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