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Not for nuthin' -- This is the New York City equivalent of "respectfully speaking" or "all-due respect", warning the receiver that they are about to get a dose of unvarnished truth that they might find insulting, but isn't meant to be insulting.

NFN, what you said the other days makes you a little bit of an asshole.

by pardon-my-new-york-accent September 29, 2022


It meansnot for nothing

Girl: hey did you see that new Batman movie?

Boy: nfn that movie was trash.

by JB80 April 8, 2023


No finger november

Her; did you last throug NFN?
Me; no, i only lasted for 13 days.

by MommyH2611 November 9, 2018


nfn means ‘not fucking nothing

boy: wyd
girl: nfn, you?

by slut4jessewilliams March 2, 2023