Source Code


As its name (National Health Service) would suggest, it is a nationalised healthcare system in place in the United Kingdom. Despite being the target for regular criticism, it nonetheless still does its basic job of providing medical care to anybody regardless of their financial and social background.

The NHS may be a bit rubbish, but at least it's always going to be there in an emergency.

by Stivlobits May 27, 2009

173πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


IC shorthand for "No homo" usually typed in parentheses.

I'm really feelin' MF Doom these days. (NH)

by Ken Steele June 1, 2007

133πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


primarily used in South Central as an abbreviation for Neighborhood Crips.

NH to da NH

by Halve June 6, 2018

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


No Head Syndrome, an anti-STD, is caused by an extensive period of time without oral intercourse. NHS commonly results in a prominent display of Blue Balls.

Person 1: Hey did you hear about Cambo?
Person 2: Yea, I heard he hasn’t gotten head for a year!
Person 1: Truly a terrible case of NHS.

by schulson March 11, 2018

22πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Acronym for "never had sex"

"Dude, are you part of the NHS club?"
"Nah man! I put in my two weeks notice three weeks ago."
"Fuck man."

by madskils695 March 29, 2008

67πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


The National Health Service

A system operating in the UK whereby ta payers contribute towards the health care of all, including foreigners and everyone who happens to be in the UK at the time of them needing treatment.

If you had voted for Churchill in 1945, and not that Labour dick Clement Atlee, we wouldn't have this expensive service; which is a boon only to those who abuse it.

by Gumba Gumba March 21, 2004

90πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž


No homo

Ay the boys be kissing me goodnight but Nh because that’s gay

by N.o.o.d.l.e.s May 5, 2020