An actor who is in every movie that you can think of off the top of your head.
Joe: Did you see the new Nicolas Cage movie?
Candice: Which one? There's so many new movies!
an absolute stud of an actor, who stars in national treasure, Ghost Rider, The Croods, and many more sexy-ass masterpieces. Not gonna lie he is probably the smaxiest of all smaxies
Damn bro Nicolas Cage is thiccccccccccccc
The act of committing a wrong doing or seeing something tragic, not being phased by it at the time, but years later remembering said incident then crying about it like it just happened
crap someone killed my daughter, oh well (thirty years later) they killed my daughter NOOOOOOO!, listen to johnny he's Nicolas Caging pretty bad
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Where your a bad Actor
This man has Nicolas Cage Syndrome. He's so bad
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The act of using one's Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar to penetrate a Korean Forest Whitaker look-alike.
We were totes Nicolas Caging