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Nineteen Eighty-Four

The REAL title of George Orwell's incredible novel. It's right up there with the Bible. Read it.
Generally it's about totalitarian governments and how they could/do operate. It's a dystopia. The world should not be how it's portrayed in the book.

Joe: Have you read Nineteen Eighty-Four?
Bob: No.

by sudo rm -rd / March 27, 2007

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Nineteen Ninety Never

a date that does not exist, used to emphasize that something will never happen.

"Alright dude, I'm gonna go to the concert, score a backstage pass, then bang Britney Spears in her dressing room."
"Hahaha cracka you must be kidding. That'll happen in Nineteen Ninety NEVER bitch!!!"

by Nick D April 5, 2003

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An adjective to describe something from the 1980's as cool, enjoyable, or capable of bringing back good memories.

Anything that is both cool and retrostylized, or reminiscent of the 80's.

Man, that episode of TMNT was pretty nineteen-eighty-cool!

by phubans August 25, 2006

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a. something that happened long ago, ie in the 1990's
b. used by beenie man in one of his songs

Man, I've had this crap car for nineteen o' long

by speedracer325 September 21, 2009

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A phrase used when someone says something both outdated and unfunny, following "that is so."

'All your base are belong to us!'
'God, that is so nineteen-ninety-never. It wasn't even funny when it came out.'

by Care June 22, 2004

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Nineteen Dollar Fortnite Card

A Nineteen Dollar Fortnite Card For People To Give Away.

Nineteen Dollar Fortnite Card Who Wants It?

by yeah im a boi June 1, 2021

Nineteen-0-scuse me

When you forget what century you are living in, a graceful out.

"At the rate I'm going, I should get there by Nineteen-0-scuse me", she offered, on her way to California, pedaling her stationary bike for all she was worth.

by Monkey's Dad June 29, 2023