Source Code

Day Off To J Off

When a person take their entire academic or work day to "jack-off".

I took the day off to J off cause he saw some hot Mudkip "rule 34" on "4chan".

by Eric Bloom October 25, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

take the rest of the day off

To abandon all other events in one's day in order to masturbate for hours.

(abbreviation for: Take The rest of the day off to J-off)

"Dom likes to take the rest of the day off."

Dialogue: "Where's Jimbo?"
"Oh, He's taking the rest of the day off."

by Anonymous..... October 28, 2005

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Jenny Craig's Day Off

I term used to describe a sighting of a fat hogg or othewise obese bitch.

Dick: Whoah, did you see that fat whore?
Tom: I sure did!
Harry: Yeah, it must've been Jenny Craig's Day Off.

by Time4SumAksion February 22, 2005

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Ferrous Oxide's Day Off

A tongue-in-cheek name for rust removal duty (ferrous oxide being the precursor to rust on steel objects), especially on Navy ships, playing on the vivid contrast between the tedious and highly unpleasant nature of the duty, involving the use of wire brushes and toxic chemicals often under a blazing sun, compared to the delightful, carefree leisure tableau depicted by the three teen protagonists of the 1986 Matthew Broderick film "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

Chief Petty Officer: It's your lucky day, sailor -- two weeks of Ferrous Oxide's Day Off starting at eight bells.

Sailor: Aye-aye, Chief.

Chief Petty Officer: And don't ask my daughter out again.

by FitofPeak2 September 28, 2023

Day Off To J Off

When a person take their entire academic or work day to "jack-off".

I took the day off to J off cause he saw some hot Mudkip "rule 34" on "4chan".

by Eric Bloom October 25, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

off day

A day in which you are not at your normal level of performance i.e. can't draw as well, get killed more in video games ect

Wow, everything I've done today has sucked money nuts. I must be having a bad off day!

by Mikiras September 21, 2008

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Off Day

An off day, also referred to as a bad day (and not to be confused with a day off), is a day where you're...not yourself. Maybe you've been a bit down on your luck as of late. Maybe your parents are reminiscing to their friends about that awful/embarrassing thing you did when you were four years old that you've been trying to forget for at least a decade or two. Whatever it is, you're probably going to be very sullen until your life starts showing improvement.

My mate suffers from depression, and he has both good days and off days. One day he'll be just fine -- maybe even a little cheerful if something good has happened -- and then the next day, he'll be very sullen and down in the dumps; when this happens, there's absolutely nothing that can make the metaphorical rain cloud above his head disappear. You just have to wait until the off day runs its course.

by Someone who kinda exists July 8, 2021