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no u

The only thing you can say in response to 'your mom gay'. Will obliterate anyone you say it to within 5 seconds.

BobbityBob Jr: your mom gay
*everyone holds breath*
JackityJack Jr: no u
* everyone implodes then explodes twice*

by yugyug March 14, 2018

no u

this is a comeback that will eliminate anyone in any situation, this mean if you are in an argument, if they insult you, this comeback will basically murder them!

Enemy: You're fat
You: No u.

by MorgothTheSmall April 9, 2019

no u

An unprecedentedly powerful phrase used to reverse an insult directed to an individual to mark an attribute of dominance over all beings; a term to direct an insult back at someone asserting supremacy against that someone; the most powerful reverse card known to man.

420blazeit69360noscopethotslyaerXx: Your mom is so damn poor when she saw the garbage truck go by she got out her shopping list!

Vescalius: no u

by Veridicule December 27, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

no u

Used to end an argument. Used as a comeback when somebody insults you. Caution! If you say no u to somebody, it's likely that they will never recover from it.

Friend: Oi you're a mong!
Me: No u
Friend: Fuck.

by handicapped_apple July 8, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

no u

One of the most powerful weapon and counter in the world of arguments. It can be used whenever you get insulted in any way and will end the opponent's career as a human being. When verbally used in an argument, it will successfully negate what the opponent said prior, as well as send the insult back to them ten fold. This apparatus of mass destruction was made to cancel out the earth-shattering "ur mom gay." When it was first used, the giant collision between "ur mom gay" and "no u" caused the first speaker to shrivel out of existence. Now, he resides in another dimension living as a snail. After this, no one dared misuse this.

Guy 1: ur mom gay lol
Guy 2: no u
Guy 1: *POP*

by TheMeanGreenFightingMachine April 10, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

no u

a comeback

me: you're stupid
Dave: no u

by The mam February 1, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

no u

top 10 best anime come backs

person 1: ur mum gay

person 2: no u

by leafyismydad June 25, 2018