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Noobling Prime

n. A noob to the point of being a noob where they are ungodly untolerable. Most Noobling Primes use "lol" as punctuation.

"lyk so i went lyke 2 da mall n stuff n wuz liek oh mah gawd i need dis purse lol"

"Jesus Christ! Shut up the fuck up Noobling Prime."

by Zee August 13, 2005

29👍 8👎

Little Nooblings

These creatures can be found wandering around the starting sections and zones of mmorpgs.Instead of looking up questions on a search engine the consistently spam chat channels with questions which show a their immense lack of understanding of even basic concepts of the game and mmorpgs in general.

Little Nooblings

by handosome June 21, 2013

Going nooble

your going going nooble

Hey I’m going going nooble

by Going nooble November 16, 2019

mooble nooble

Like a purple nurple but the whole moob(man boob)is twisted, very painful!

You: Duuude! Did he just mooble nooble you? Looked painful!

Mate: Yes, my moob is gonna fall off!

by Colgate Man 13 March 31, 2008

3👍 1👎


Word describes a very hardcore person; a mix between a moogle and a noob; person goes by the name Crista.

Nooble, you are so gangsta. k thx.

by Nooble January 25, 2011


Noun: a mispronunciation of the wordnoodles.”

Please pass the noobles!

by Graymatter June 12, 2024


ur mom, also how to misspell noodle


by ILoveWhyDon’tWe December 2, 2021