The name given to those who are so easily offended by thoughts, opinions, speech, etc that don't align with their collective narrative. They are prone to contradict themselves in defense of the word "tolerance"; when outed on said contradictions, they resort to name calling and labeling.
Offendables usually suffer from the pyschiatric syndrome known as folie ร plusieurs (see also "Mass Hysteria"), which stems from purposeful social isolation from critical thinking and open discussion.
"I just got called a 'Deplorable' again for bringing facts into a conversation."
"Ahh, you've been talking to the Offendables again, haven't you?"
6๐ 1๐
The perpetual state of all white liberals.
The perceived perpetual state of everyone else except straight, white, Christian males, as projected by all white liberals.
Everything offends white liberals. They are offended by calling a bum a bum, a fag a fag, a bull dyke a bull dyke, a garbage dump a garbage dump, a blind guy a blind guy, and a spade a spade. White liberals learn to be offended by everything in public schools. The teachers there say, "Oh, we must never call a blind guy a blind guy. We must say visually challenged."
The white liberal soccer mom was highly offended when I said I was going to a meeting of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "Oh, you must never say 'colored people,' she said in a huff. You must say "persons of color.' The correct name of that organization is the National Association for the Advancement of Persons of Color. The NAAPC.'"
Then the white liberal soccer mom was highly offended when I told her that the next time she rides a horse, she will only need half a saddle.
Never call a landfill a garbage dump, say the white liberals. That will offend the refuse collectors.
227๐ 181๐ you want to get offended....
fuckin faggot white bitch honkey nigger spic dike kik queerbag coon wetback faggotmcnigger mic drunk irish asshole studpid cunt women autta make me a fuckin sandwitch. I store all my cum in a little glass jar, then later pour it all over random people at school. Oh yeah, and heil Rosy O'donnel Hitler
145๐ 105๐
it means being a big meanie >:(
I said something very offendive to my cat
People who get 1 like on their favorite picture or post, and blame it on someone else
Any political party besides Republicans.
I'm offended from people who smell for some reason. Best stay away.
7๐ 7๐
Used to describe an offensive player on a team.
Who is marking that offender?
That offender is fast!
3๐ 3๐
a page an ed cool people go to
cool guy 1:blah blah
cool guy 2:blah offended lah
8๐ 25๐