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An offshore is an individual who services the the website change request tickets. Located on foreign soil, they are often only available after 10PM CST. This individual may have English as a second language and utilize the a sub-par microphone on their Webex meetings so that everyone has to determine whether its the microphone quality or heavy accent that is causing the communication problems. Not on shore.

Man this offshore is one a million, they were able to successfully implement what I'm requesting.

by Onshore1493 December 23, 2019


A dude who is offshore

Dude I'm such an offshoreer

by cliphe November 6, 2017


Offshoring (the responsibility) - finding someone to blame for not doing your work well. Often done by incompetent lowlifes in workplaces that depend on team accountability, like government positions. Could cause someone to fail upward in life, if their boss values a good lack of integrity and morals. Also, a neat exit hatch for a politician when under pressure of journalists.

Boss: Did you ship that urgent and crucial order last month?
Employee: Nah, I couldn't read the handwriting of Janet from sales.
Boss: Nice offshoring there, employee! We're going out of business now, but I will make sure to write a stellar recommendation letter for you.

by Atlanntas January 8, 2018