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a slang word for " no "

me: u want fries?

u: nah, i`m fine, thx tho.

by nah fam dont copy me December 13, 2016

24๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Or nah

Another way to say "not", when choosing to decide something. Popularly used on social networking sites.

Teen Girl Tweet: should I do my homework or nah?

by SGirl424 February 18, 2014

123๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


nah a typically turkish cultural gesture which expresses misbelieve, distrust, challenge, opposition or disobedience. nah occurs when someone puts his/her thumb between forefinger and middle finger and the nahhed fist is shown to the person at whom it is aimed.

a more brutal version of the gesture exists, by creating a "slash" like sound after turning the nahhed fist with an immediate forward motion, in order that the nahhed wrist hits the other hand's palm.

literally nah means "like the hell it is?"

-Person 1 : Can you lend me your car?
-Person 2 : Nah!

by DCrypt April 17, 2011

292๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž

for nah

When you want to say yes, but want to be confusing

"Wanna hang later?" "Oh for nah"

by PattyDaddy March 6, 2018


Da Gangsta way to say "No"

Nah, thay ain't right!

by David Adler March 8, 2006

642๐Ÿ‘ 334๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nah: (Nn-ahh) Noun. A word commonly used as a replacement for "no", "nope", "shut up", or "no, don't give me that food, I don't want to get fat". But mostly "no".

Person A: Are you busy today?
Person B: Mmm... nah.

Person A: Do you want to go get dinner?
Person B: Mmm... nah.

Person A: Do you like her?
Person B: Mmm... nah.

by That Chick You Like April 7, 2012

92๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


An expression used when the aforementioned statement sounds incredibly unfeasible/stupid on closer hearing.

Y'know, George W. Bush could actually be considered a competant president. (pause) Nah....

by Andrew Version 1. March 23, 2004

472๐Ÿ‘ 304๐Ÿ‘Ž