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Origin: verb; to sacrifice a financial gain to appease customers who have never spent, and will never spend, a dime with your company.

"Yo, I heard GAMA hardcore Origined themselves by sticking their foot in their mouth without mustard"

by Skua September May 31, 2018

50๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Originals

The Originals (ORI), is a team deathmatch (TDM) club. ORI is the first officially recognized group of players in the Fat Princess online community devoted to playing TDM exclusively. The club was established by "TERRIBLE_MAJESTY", a member of the famous Fat Princess clan "Broccoli Crew", in March of 2011.

ORI started off with two other members, "R8DIOKILLER" and "homeskillettbb". In April 2011, they began recruiting and their membership grew. In May 2011, ORI started to play in public games.

ORI is known for playing the video game Fat Princess in TDM mode. ORI enjoy playing TDM competitively and casually. ORI have recently been the targets of double-shooters. There are videos of their exploits posted on YouTube. They also have a message board.

As of June 1, 2012 ORI membership has grown to over 60 members worldwide.

The club attributes its name to the similarly titled graphic novel by Dave Gibbons.

"Aw crap, it's a team full of The Originals."

"The other team has The Originals in it, so let's start double-shooting."

by terriblemajesty June 1, 2012

38๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the best cod zombies maps in existence non can come close to its greatness

Tedd: you dude you played origins

Rob:what no fuck that map

by PUR3_BEANBEAN August 9, 2019


an idea that is original and innovative

The originative chef is not only talented, but handsome as well.

by mpro October 10, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ability to be original

"Everyone is originable because everything CAN be original."

"That's the decest most originable *fill in blank*"

by AFraz08 March 6, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Origin is a death metal band from Kansas that is known for being extremely fast and technically complicated.

The best way to scare small children and kill elderly people with heart conditions is to play some Origin cranked up really loud.

by S_t_G April 25, 2006

101๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž


Origin or 'State of Origin' is a 3 match battle between Australian Rugby League's two premier state's; NSW and QLD.
Player's are chosen on a 'state of origin' basis rather than on which state they currently live.
For three matches the gameplay takes sideline to hitups, hardhits and fighting. Many memorable hits have been thrown and sometimes games are so overtaken by fighting and smashing the opposition that a match may end up 2-0. (4 points for a try and 2 points for a goal).

Australain 1: "Let's get a case and get fucked up watching 'origin'."
Australian 2: "Why does Robbie O'Davis play for Newcastle in (NSW), but played origin for Queensland?"
Australian 1: "Coz hes from QLD, that's why they call it 'state of origin'."

by Diego August 17, 2003

45๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž